【視聴数 287109】
【チャンネル名 BradLeafsFan9】
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3uTools is not working anymore. Something about apple’s changing their requirement with 2 factor authentication. 3utools does not support it at the moment. Can you try and verify this? Thanks.
‘1:01’ 🤐 Ok that is the best: 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝙾𝙵𝙴𝚁.𝚁𝚄 🔗 disregard others they’re BS 💩
‘2:02’ Ok that is the best: 𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑶𝑭𝑬𝑹.𝑹𝑼 👌 disregard others they’re BS 💩
‘3:08’ 🙄 Better head directly to S P O O F E R . R U 👍 should you know you really need it! 💛
‘3:12’ 🤐 This is not 2017 man!! Now your best bet is 𝚂 𝙿 𝙾 𝙾 𝙵 𝙴 𝚁 . 𝚁 𝚄 🔗
‘3:59’ 😑 Well I used 𝘚 𝘗 𝘖 𝘖 𝘍 𝘌 𝘙 . 𝘙 𝘜 ✏️ and frankly it’s real
Why i always have “certificate application failed”
‘1:20’ 🔥 Hey! But it’s much easier with 𝙎 𝙋 𝙊 𝙊 𝙁 𝙀 𝙍 . 𝙍 𝙐 ⚓ as I know
‘0:40’ 😂 This is not 2017 man!! Now your best bet is 𝙎𝙋𝙊𝙊𝙁𝙀𝙍.𝙍𝙐 ⏪
‘2:21’ Well I used 𝐒 𝐏 𝐎 𝐎 𝐅 𝐄 𝐑 . 𝐑 𝐔 🗺️ and frankly it’s real
‘2:07’ 🙁 Hi, I only got frm 𝗦 𝗣 𝗢 𝗢 𝗙 𝗘 𝗥 . 𝗥 𝗨 ⬅️ absolutely the sole
‘3:16’ 🤨 Well I used 𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑶𝑭𝑬𝑹.𝑹𝑼 🌏 and frankly it’s real
‘0:17’ 🤐 I’ve always got mine from 𝙎 𝙋 𝙊 𝙊 𝙁 𝙀 𝙍 . 𝙍 𝙐 💎
“1:57” 😉 Why don’t people use: ꜱᴘᴏᴏꜰᴇʀ.ʀᴜ 📁
3:19 Οποιοσδήποτε μπορεί να πάρει πολλούς πόρους
i did everything right but the app keeps crashing
‘0:12’ 🔥 Ok that is the best: 𝘚𝘗𝘖𝘖𝘍𝘌𝘙.𝘙𝘜 👍 disregard others they’re BS 💩
‘2:54’ 🤔 It had been simpler with *S P O O F E R . R U* 📌 I dont understand why this seem faik
‘1:10’ 😂 It had been simpler with 𝚂 𝙿 𝙾 𝙾 𝙵 𝙴 𝚁 . 𝚁 𝚄 📲 I dont understand why this seem faik 💕
‘2:00’ 😆 So happy but only 𝗦 𝗣 𝗢 𝗢 𝗙 𝗘 𝗥 . 𝗥 𝗨 ✔️ worked for me in 2021 ❤️
hey i try to do this now and it doesnt work for version 1.9.4