【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
ポケモンGO攻略-youtebe動画まとめたサイト ポケモンGO攻略のyoutube動画をまとめました!ポケモンGO攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新のポケモンGO攻略情報や役立つポケモンGO攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
They just justify spoofing one update at a time smh
If it brings back the community more which is one of the best aspects of this game, then a limit is fine in my book
Im flying to the headquarters and unleashing my inner karen
Even pre remote raids no one would do raids in my town. So remote raids are the only way I can do legendary raids and mega raids
Yeah dying game
This would make me personally stop playing.
Specifically discussing the Android Remote -> premium pass glitch: a limit on remote raids actually *incentivizes* use of the glitch and punishes players that don’t use it
as a free to play player, this doesn’t effect me but i do think it is a good thing. Remote raiding has allowed people to easily max legendaries and get there shinies. i was raiding for regice and registeel and it was hard to find people to do the raids. watching some pogo content creators start their videos with “regice is back in raids and i will not be raiding much for it” because they already had the shiny or a hundo shows how remote raids effects the game
That glitch sounds like a niantic problem 🤷♂️
So… Remote raiding killed my community for the most part a long time ago. everyone got lazy and raided from home or quit because of lack of people locally. I said that to say “the damage has been done in 2020” we’ve already lost a lot of people. To take remote raiding away now will hurt the game even more. We will lose even more people, the “air help” that we have left to help us on the ground is all some of us have.
I depend on remote raids alot cause I live 15 miles to the nearest gyms and very few people play around my my local discord has been dead for almost a year it will be a blow to my gaming for sure and if I can’t raid it will make me quit playing the game
BrandonTan plays the game full time, he has money and time to travel across the world to meet people. Normal people like all of us need to work 5-6 days a week. We have family, children and our life to take care. Conclusion, I just wanna say: “Let people play the style they want, do not force them to play the style YOU want. Social anxiety is very real. Let people who want to meet meet!”
I understand Niantic wanting to bring back more in-person raids, activities, and events as that was their original goal, however, they are going about it the wrong way. Remote raids have positivity impacted the game arguably more than any other feature added. This allowed for players like yourself, mystic7, trainer tips and many more to get access to raids earlier than you should, it has allowed for more community growth, it gave players with busier lives to still have access to raids in a more convenient way, it has allowed players with social, mental or physical disabilities more access to the game than before. To remove or limit these features would only hurt the game and show they do not truly care for their whole player base, only those who can play the way the company wants.
What they should be doing instead is ADDING more features to in-person raids, activities and events such as higher xp or stardust rewards, higher shiny chances, better iv changes, etc. Adding these changes gives more reason and intensive to participate in in-person raids, activities and events while not limiting players and forcing them into possible situation they do not want to be in just to participate in a game they like. Niantic needs to stop this mindset of removing features to force players into playing how they want, work on adding positive rewards to those who do participate in raids, activities and events instead of just hurting a good part of your player base.
Not everyone around the world lives in a place where there are many pokestops and gyms. Not everyone can go outside and actually play pogo because they have lives like school and jobs. You play pogo as a living so you can spend the entire day outside. Some people may have disabilities which may prevent them from traveling. The cons of Niantic limiting remote raids severely outshadow the pros. Not only does Niantic lose money from a business standpoint, but it also makes it harder for most players. Plus there are other ways way players can meet up with each other like community days or field research days. Limiting remote raids will also encourage more spoofing.
I quit before when I couldn’t get raids at all no 5 star raids and got frustrated. I came back when they started remote raids, and I will probably leave if they remove it, but I’m fine with a limited number
I’ll be more upset if they increase remote raid pass prices. The limit is also not good for the game, but the price increase would kill me
good in person incentive would be guaranteed catches. I raided 10 raids this pass week trying for a Regirock. i won, with help of course, all 10 raids, i caught 2 that is a major turn off of the game
i am basicly done playing the game at this point i hope they make the game fun again or i wont be coming back to the game
I get what you are saying about this being a double-edged sword. I will say that the remote raids do help the noncity players. And when the game has events that are not repeats, our community comes out in full force. When there are new raid bosses, we play locally. But when the raids are just repeats upon repeats, the local players aren’t interested. So the hard core local players rely on remote raiding because the local support isn’t there. When we have local raids, give us the skip raid timer in an update. So many of us don’t even use our daily passes because we can’t stand around and wait for a timer to count down.