【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
ポケモンGO攻略-youtebe動画まとめたサイト ポケモンGO攻略のyoutube動画をまとめました!ポケモンGO攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新のポケモンGO攻略情報や役立つポケモンGO攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
As a big fan of you and your content, I must say, this video was VERY disappointing to watch. It felt like such a backhanded slap from you.
How can you sit there recording yourself speak on the “local” communities you visit, to then say you understand why Niantic would limit remote raids. Not everyone can afford the lifestyle you have by traveling and playing all around the world. We have lives, and other priorities and can’t be going around all day looking for raids. I expected more from you while watching this video. Don’t see myself subscribed or watching your videos anymore.
Personally for me, i live in a very cold place during the winter. It’s currently -27ºC and going outside just isn’t always an option and not worth it to go outside and freeze just to play Pokémon GO. Remote raids is a more viable option to play with my friends
Honestly if it wasn’t for remote raiding there are so few players playing locally now there will be raids that simply will not be able to be done. Maybe it changes activity I’ve got to believe it won’t there just isn’t a huge amount of interest in the game here now. Maybe Niantic don’t really care if the game continues or not but I think this is dangerous where they are heading.
I mean i might be the only one who thinks a limit on remote raids isnt going to be a bad thing…
Indeed what u said is right bro the community of pogo is lost !!!! Ooooooooh
I’m living in a small town of about 5000 people and when we had the local raids for hoopa unbound recently no one from the community came out. It seems to me that in my town players are playing alone or in groups of two according to their own schedules. For firepower in raids, 100% of the time I depend on remote raid invitations to make a group of 3 to 5 players. I’d enjoy having a community of local players but I don’t know how to get it going. Also, I’m not the most outgoing person.
coming from someone who has 1 friend irl who plays the game and in an area where no one will pop up in a raid when you do one in person i just dont see the point. whats going to influence me to go out and do in person raids when i dont have a map of the whereabouts of raids and when i have no friends to play with?
Really let down by your thoughts here. Something like this might not matter to full time players in warmer countries such as yourself. To anyone else this is a horrible change. Unless content creators speak out on how terrible this is there’s no chance Niantic won’t put this garbage into the game
I’ll either be full free to play or just stop playing completely. What’s the point when there’s no places to raid where I live and the closest town is about 35/40 minutes away, I’m not making that drive to go raid one chance of maybe catching what I’m after
I’ve always enjoyed going out to raid and do so each raid hour, sadly our raid group is down to 3-4 active people these days. If anyone can’t make it we often have to rely on remote raiders to help us win in person raids. No real fix for that when you don’t live in a big city sadly, other than multi accounting. I think we do well to still have a few active local players after all this time.
Thanks for shining a light on the Android remote raiding using local passes issues and it’s likely role in a lot of this. Personally, I think the more YouTubers who publicize this, the better as it will make it a more urgent issue for Niantic to address.
Terrible idea to limit remote raid pass or make it more expensive. IT sucks.
I think there is a reason why the majority of people dislikes changes on remote raid passes.
It might be true that live communities broke apart, but there are by far more people who don‘t have access to a community to start with.
Remote raids have been a desired feature even when live communities were still intact.
In fact there are communities meeting up for events even though most raids are done remotely.
In my opinion we should stop mourn for long lost communities and face the reality that they wont come back even if remote raid passes get restricted because if they wanted to meet up they already have a reason to.
I play in a town with less than 2,000 people total. Remote raiding has been great for meeting people I have met people through discord servers and had the pleasure of meeting up with them at hoenn tour. It makes me sad to hear you talk like this man because you are such a nice person but you should play rurally for a month and realize how many people can’t just go out for raid days.😢
Brandon is speaking from a place of privilege. His ‘community’ are the 0.001% of players that allow their life to revolve around PoGo. Niantic is slowly phasing out remote raiding and with that, alienating the majority of players who have real life responsibilities and making the game less accessible for so many others. This decision is most definitely money driven as well, as Niantic makes money off our location data, marketing it as if this is for the betterment of the ‘community’. This is bad news for PoGo and seems like another nail in the coffin from Niantic.
I appreciate the thoughts and as always the honesty while watching the videos. I think the frustration of the average player is coming across as a bit abrasive against you. Your reasoning is just and you just want the game to have the same communities again and this might have a small chance of helping that. I personally do not remote raid a whole lot. However, even where I live in the US in a large city outside LA there is barely anyone out raiding in parks or at casual gyms. There are few places I can even complete a 5* raid with in person raiders (IE Disneyland). Even with 2 accounts I still need to host through different avenues to complete a 5*. And that is if I go significantly out of my way to host a raid. If the remote raiders are affected then the in person raid hosts are affected too. It may not kill the game but it will significantly limit the already painful grind for casual, rural, busy, and F2P players.
I think the biggest group that this effects is people that don’t live near any gyms or large areas, which makes it difficult for them to join any raids in person (edit: i am glad they didn’t just remove remote raids altogether, but I do think that the limit should be raised a little bit, maybe 8-10)
Why on earth would Niantic want to limit the amount of money I can spend in a day? This makes absolutely zero sense
I’m pretty disappointed this is your standpoint considering how much you went to bat for the community in the past.
If they limit the remote raids doesn’t that encourage people to do the local glitch?