【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
ポケモンGO攻略-youtebe動画まとめたサイト ポケモンGO攻略のyoutube動画をまとめました!ポケモンGO攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新のポケモンGO攻略情報や役立つポケモンGO攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
i mean back in 2020 we all knew remote raids would be temp. Also i thought it was understood the price per pass was reduced?
I’m a 2016 player from long before raids and recently got back into and realized I missed the game. The main reason I stopped was because there was a clear limit to what I could do in my area without the ability to find special Pokémon (farfetch’d!!!). The Issue is now nobody I knew who did play still plays (locally) and I work 40+hr work week so time and capacity to go do local raids is very low. I’ve made a ton of new friends due to remote raids (local and not). The remote raid option was starting to bring me back into the community, found you, Mystic, Zoe, TrainerTips, TrainerClub I can keep listing. I almost took off work for Vegas tour but didn’t decide in time.
If and or when this happens I don’t think I would genuinely play even a quarter of the time I do now…
Honestly most people aren’t trying to/maybe can’t at the time physically go to these raids. It’s already hard enough to even find enough people in the area to do the raids to begin with, even with remote raiding. Let alone if it’s cold or raining out like it’s been for the last 6 months in a lot of places during winter. Remote raids give the best chance at finding a big enough team to do 5 stars in low populated areas. They already charge $1 to even do a remote raid, I don’t see why they can’t just leave them for the casual players who just want to collect on their own & don’t necessarily care for the social aspect. Idk I guess that goes against the purpose of the game, but some players are truly just casual players.
Read the room Brandon
Brandon you live in a city full of people thay play everyday. We all know you’re going to be fine but for some of us in smaller towns with no active players we’re screwed. This game is 6-7 years old, people have stopped playing it, why remove something that going to screw people that still play over?
Do you feel this may force some players into considering the spoofing option in frustration with Niantic??
yo move to a colder climate and try playing loool
I love how Brandon just is complaining about remote raiding system but for people who love I suburb areas don’t have people to play with or how about the weather when it’s in the negative degrees how r we supposed to do the raids I saw we should be able to do up to 10-15 raids a day
Living in a remote country area with zero Pokestops this decision would be disastrous.
It was never a question of whether I just don’t feel like getting up and physically going to each gym to do raids. The problem is I literally CANNOT do raids ever because (1) a lack of gyms in my area because of niantics stupid wayfarer system and (2) I work and have other responsibilities everyday. Nearly all my raids I do are from invites from other people. Such a tiny amount of remote raids would make raiding pointless if trying to get XL for legendaries or even regular candy for that matter. Even less can be done during raid hour considering how far apart each gym is in my area. The pandemic brought numerous improvements to this game and Niantic just won’t stop trying to turn it back into what it was before which would of course make the game worse.
I disagree because when they have the in person raids only alot people come out just a money scam again
The problem is that a VAST majority of players cannot play without driving miles and miles to get into an area. That costs gas money. That costs time. You cannot leave the kids at home to go raid. It limits too many players. Yes. Incentivize in person raids. Don’t use the fact that people cheat as a reason to punish the honest players. Need to think about the player base as a whole. Not just the folks who do this for a living or have all the time in the world. MOST of us don’t.
You’re not doing remote raids because you live in Singapore where there’s a LOT of local players and you can just walk outside and get a full lobby. I see a raid with an open lobby MAYBE once a week and it’s usually just one person in it.
I acually met someone when doing a raid today which was fun cause I usually dont meet people when doing raids I just cerate a raid room so people can join But im so happy when I meet people
It’s simple, it’s a bad idea. If people have to make videos about a subject that is so dividing and that subject isn’t even here in the game yet, that means it should not be implemented.
Everyone’s situation is different. You being young and having no children makes it much easier for you to physically go to gyms. Some of us don’t have that luxury. It’s a game we enjoy playing and I don’t understand why people care how I play the game as long as it’s legit and that I’m not cheating. It’s my money and it’s the only way I can play most days.
The problem here is that Niantic doesn’t seem to understand this is just a game and we have actual responsibilities in life that come first. Anyone with a job would struggle to raid in person on a daily basis, and even those that do wouldn’t be able to find other people to join. I never managed to do legendary raids before remote passes were introduced, there was no one around already, that’s not a results of remote passes. As for community, if something as simple as a remote pass is all it takes to “destroy” a community, that says more about the community than the passes. Strong relationships aren’t maintained through limitations. Clearly Niantic doesn’t understand this.
But Brandon us rural players are limited and remote raids help us keep up with non rural players and some of us play to have fun in a easy access Pokémon game not necessarily to meet people. Also I live in a place where November thru march sometimes April it’s cold and super snowy so it is hard to raid again remote raids helps catch up
Brandon, you need to realize pokemon go isn’t the average player neither the majority job
They shouldn’t nerf the remote raids cause not everyone wants to meet random people in the parks for security reasons. In these days you don’t know how that new person will end up being so I happily remote raid from home cause it’s fun and worry free. What about people who don’t have a car or are handy cap and can’t walk ? I feel if they want people to go out and raid in person it will start some dangers for people cause there is some weird trainers who get mad when you knock out there Pokémon from the gym that they are willing to probably start a fight over it