【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
ポケモンGO攻略-youtebe動画まとめたサイト ポケモンGO攻略のyoutube動画をまとめました!ポケモンGO攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新のポケモンGO攻略情報や役立つポケモンGO攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
So what happens when someone like me lives in an area where there are only a handful of players in the entire city? Am I just out of luck? Am I not allowed to have access to all the strong pokemon locked behind raids, simply because I dont live in a metropolis? You say that you or niantic are not allowed to dictate how we play the game, but without remote raids, all the sudden I’m barred from even having the choice to partake in a massive part of the game. I have to use 3rd party apps to even get friends to invite to the raids. And unlike you youtubers, I have a normal job with a family who lives locally to me and I cant just uproot my life to go play a mobile game. If you are for removing remote raids then you are for removing a large playerbase that simply does not have the option to local raid because there are no players to do local raids with.
Local raids are sad because most of us are busy and limited for time.
Also….gas. The 50% increase in remote raid pass cost is probably nothing next to how much more gas I would go back to burning driving all over creation.
I think after this weekend I’m just going to delete the game off my phone for a while and reassess how I feel later. This really upsets me. I’m out.
Lol this mf really trying to say he only uses his free passes an premiums lol what a liar. Keep kissin there ass
Bro it’s about catching Pokemon you want a “community “ Join a book club
Also please appreciate their are others with ptsd whom cannot always have contact with others
I started in 2016 single and childless now I have 3 kids im up at 5am and i’m usually in bed at 8 after working 9-11 hours. I don’t hardly have the time to raid unless it’s remotely. I currently have 15 in person passes that I’ve yet to use because i’m so busy. The only time I get to in person raid is if I take my kids to the park and i’m usually busy watching them
No buts… Niantic is trying to make the game less popular as to gt rid of it entirely. Thi time next year there wont be any Pokemon Go…I guess childhood is officially over
6224 9925 7419 I will be hosting raids feel free to add everyone
Ok first of all, not every city has an active pokemon go community in fact i would argue that the majority of players are playing solo or with familly members. Niantic is pushing content only available to content creators or very few people who can afford travelling for a game. Even if one decides to go to an in person event once, chances are they are not going to attend every in person event. If Niantic wanted to strengthen local communities and advertise outdoor play they should be looking at adding more spawns and raids, add alot more bonuses for completing tasks and generally make it worth going out to play. Fact of the matter is that since the incense nerf I play a lot less outside cause i am not using them at all apart from CDs. Remote raids never limited the time i would go out and play since i would mostly raid at night.
me and my friends still meet together and remote raids don’t stop us but we go to school and have exams, we can’t just do that whenever we want. it’s usually weekends given we aren’t already busy we can’t just go out whenever we feel like it. it doesn’t stop us being social we just have be social in different ways and that’s okay. we also live in a small area it takes us time to even get to gyms it’s not a simple walk we could do everyday regardless. and the price increase just annoy me a little we’re teenagers without jobs haha.
Niantic should just leave the remote raid passes the way they are and not do any reductions. Some people have multiple issues and like to raid remotely.
“On the fence” describes exactly how I feel. I want to see people joining in the raid hours again, and nobody wants to come out because it’s easier to sit at home getting invited. But at the same time I don’t want people more isolated AND I don’t want spoofing idiots getting more advantages.
If only Niantic had an app to help build up their community and help people connect…. oh wait they do. Campfire.. but they have it locked and are not opening it up for people to use.
Such a bad idea. Usually agree with you but not on this. The beginning of the end. There’s so many other ways they could tackle this whilst leaving remote passes untouched. E.g. give extra bonuses for in-person raids.
I live in the countryside, you think I’m really going to drive around just to find a raid and then wait hoping a team actually shows up? Nah. Think I’ll be going full f2p now, niantic have ruined the game with their own greed.
They are legitimately encouraging cheaters. FIX ACTUAL ISSUES not create new ones:/ TFFF
I would love to be in a local raid community. Alas, I am two miles from closest gym; three from the next closest. Our gyms are few and far between. Also not a large population of PoGo players in my area. I count on remote raid passes to get any legendary/mega Pokémon.
Very interesting point of view, respect that! I support the idea of bringing people out again and making remote passes more expensive each 5 per day is a good way to go.
Extremely disappointing take Brandon. You are speaking from a perspective of a full-time player. This is your job! Looking from a normal player’s lenses, this change would be devastating. I’m will definitely delete my game. Most of us have full time jobs with family responsibilities. I’m not surprised tho..Niantic is always trying fix things that are not broken
I live in the middle of nowhere Texas I haven’t seen anyone do a in person raid since the game launched. That being said I think 6 remote raids is fine. Sitting around all day trying to find lobbies on Reddit, discord, Twitter whatever just isn’t healthy. Although I do wish they hadn’t raised the price.
Remote raids have a place in the game but I have a group of 4 players that meet once a week to walk to 5 gyms to raid, explore and socialize. We also try to meet up in person for special events and use remotes for bad weather. I miss the big meet ups and after seeing videos from Vegas it seems a lot of folks still want to play in person.