【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
ポケモンGO攻略-youtebe動画まとめたサイト ポケモンGO攻略のyoutube動画をまとめました!ポケモンGO攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新のポケモンGO攻略情報や役立つポケモンGO攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
That’s totally a great idea. Because not everyone likes the current raid boss and prefer the other. They can stack up their remote raids to a certain cap and go all out when the raid boss they prefer comes in raids. That makes more sense.
It’s easy to say use locals when you walk out your door and you can walk easily to 15+ raids. That isn’t the case for 90% of the player base.
Doing this is going to kill raiding. All they are doing is recycling these bosses not worth wasting a lot of time going out. And the events have been junk recently no real excitement to go out and hunt anything.
When I had surgery and was bed ridden for weeks, remote raiding was the ONLY way I could play. I am privileged to have healed enough to be able to get out to raid days and in person events.
Nerfing remote raids will exclude folks who have difficulties leaving their homes, or difficulties in being very mobile.
I also have friends who would never be able to do anything above a 3* raid because they have no active local community.
The price increase will hit less mobile players disproportionately.
I will probably have at least two more surgeries this year, and this change may kill the game for me, and having the game to look forward to was really helpful for incentivizing doing the PT.
I respectfully disagree with Niantic and the way they run their game. They make so much money off the player base on this game alone. There isn’t an excuse for them to not have the game running properly. And now to limit raids and make the price higher to increase social interaction makes no sense to me…not even financially for their end because a lot of people spend money to remote raid. But it’s easy for players like you and Mystic, etc. You guys literally commit most of your time to this game and are able to spend more money than normal people. Niantic caters to content creators like you and not to the normal player base. I hope that most people make a movement against how they are implementing and running their game. Sad that this game was once great now it’s a formal shell of itself, but this also applies to the mainline games as well.
If there is a limit just like you were saying where they stack if you don’t use them I think if you have a total of 6 raids a day if you don’t use them for that day then the next day it will add a +1 so you will have 7 the next day then if you don’t use a remote raid it will add another +1 and will have 8 raids and so on and so on, I think if you stack 6 raids then 6 more raids the next day it will really depreciate what niantic is trying to do but I still think price should stay at 100 coins if all they want to do is limit the community of how many remote raids we do
maybe it cause im not really much of a people person but sorry man im not with niantic at all with this but sad to say people gonna keep throwing money at this Company regardless of what dumb things they do just like with the incense nerf people gonna be mad for couple of weeks or months and just move on and throw monry at them… sorry i dont have faith with the Community when it comes to stuff like this oh and i do use my daily passes ang green passes mostly every day dont see much people out playing idk i just dont care about raiding with others in person remotes raids are a blessing but thats just me just not much of a people person like i said
Can we suggest to locked the remote during our local raid hour. Can encourage people to come raid with our local communities. But u allow to invite other time zone for raid, but not the person same time zone. Or increase the shiny chances for local raid / increase chances become lucky friend in local raid.
Nah, you all fail to see the big picture aswell. You’re all like a an irrational mob, although this is not the best move Niantic can come up with, it will save the essence of Pokémon itself and not make the game a full blown P2W
Brandon, it’s so easy to go out and raid when you live in a country where you have almost perfect weather every day. I live in an area where you have this thing call winter. In my opinion, remote raid makes it even for people who lives in harsh weather. If we want to raid at home, so be it. Don’t ruined it for us players who raids at home. You do this for a living with zero kids. If you’re mad a Spoofers or have problems with, then that’s Niantic issue to fix. If they can’t fix it then so be it. The point is Remote pass has given opportunity for a lot of us who physically can’t go and experience the same fun as those who can. It’s not hard, you’re over thinking or maybe Nianitic is paying you.
I hope Niantic increases the distance on these gyms. A lot of these local businesses get pretty bent out of shape when twenty cars pull into their lot at a time. All of us still talk to each other and send to one another while sending pictures of our catches the entire raid hour via messenger. Only now when they say they are done I keep raiding with my other 350+ friends from around the world. Lol We still see each other driving around and stop to talk on community day too. CDay needs to go back to the full time too. They need to cut the raid nonsense out of the last half. Non of us do that what so ever here.
I really miss our community. I moved a town over but my hometown had a huge pokemon go community and it was thriving. When covid hit niantic gave us a way to keep us safe and introduced remote raiding. I really love the feature and allows us to be able to remote raid with our friends worldwide. Limiting us to 6 remote raids a day i dont think will affect us too much. We will still be able to raid remotely and will promote involvement with our local communities. I do think raising the remote passes will effect “free to play” players and players that are strapped for cash. Im all for limiting remote raiding simply for the fact that local raid communities are suffering low numbers. Its tough right now to even do local raids since nobody is there to raid
if they do go through with this. A change I would like would be to increase the distance that you can use the gym from.
worst thing ever, going to grind this last two weeks like crazy
Huge L I have a job and bills sorry to be brute I don’t give af abt going out to meet people or doing raids in person
Not everyone lives in Singapore with an active community around them. Not everyone is a full time content creator for pokemon go who can spend their day walking around the city to play in-person raids. You say you are sad when you go to local raids and there is no-one there to talk to… I have walked to many in person raids only to have no one join at all. That was pre- remote raid pass. Now I can go there in person and almost always people will join remotely, if not I can invite friends. For many, it’s a choice between maybe having someone random to talk to at a raid Vs raiding at all. Perhaps you need to check your perspective.
How about being able to send invites to 20 people at least and and first 5 to respond gets to join. Simple…
They need to boost the XL candy if they do this. If not I’ll lose interest really quick. If I’m going to be unable to max my pokemon I’m not going to bother with it at all.
Also you’re wrong Brandon, Niantic has all the right to indicate how they want their game to be played. Why should a game adjust to your REAL LIFE? If you can’t play the game how’s supposed to be played then don’t play? Right? How are we a society have been inept to want to be catered like this? Real life is not the same as the game, if you can’t do it then don’t.
L Game
Ima keep it a buck, this is an L take.
People got lives, and some times we really don’t got the recourses and time to play like you do Brandon. We got jobs, school, and live in areas and in positions less fortunate than you.
But, your entitled to your opinion.