【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
ポケモンGO攻略-youtebe動画まとめたサイト ポケモンGO攻略のyoutube動画をまとめました!ポケモンGO攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新のポケモンGO攻略情報や役立つポケモンGO攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 44678】
【チャンネル名 BrandonTan91】
【タグ Pokémon Go,Pokémon,Pokemon Go,Pokemon】
I live in a rural area. If there wasn’t remote raids I wouldn’t get any raids at all. I do use my in person passes as much as I can but I don’t know anyone that plays Pokemon 🥺
I started playing in 2016, but couldn’t do much raiding because I’m disabled and live in a rural area. I eventually stopped playing when I couldn’t participate fully. A year later, I ran into a friend who invited me to the Telegram community. This community got me back to the game and honestly saved my life. I have made real friends that I talk to everyday. My friend list has gone from 5 to almost 400. Heck, I’m even learning Italian. One friend picks me up to play Cdays and special events. Isn’t that kind of community what you’re talking about? I’m so thankful for them. I can handle most of Niantic’s quirks and glitches (GBL in particular) because I love the game, but they seem to want have physically fit, urban players that can just drop everything to zip around chasing raids. You’re a content creator…a very good one, but that’s your job. Anyway, hey to Auntie Gladys
Who actually talk to another player during raid at the gym?
The passes are what keep the game alive if they change anything with the passes it will kill the game not everyone wants to go out an play be it nice or bad weather or meet up with strangers or live in a very active city or town to play and have jobs and life’s so don’t have time to just go out and play
I almost never raided pre-remote raids, maybe once every two or three months, got a full time job kids etc etc, very happy to stop giving niantic money if they remove or nerf remotes. and force me to go back to one raid every now and again. The other thing is if niantic does stop making enough money from pogo and they pull the pin on the game entirely then there is no community at all. Speaking of community, I work full time and have around 60 or 70 people I see very day, one or two of which play and live nowhere need me, also have a large extended family, none of whom play, I think a ,lot of people who play have an internal community that does not at all revolve around a game and they don’t need to take precious time out of their lives to swan around the local area to try and get raids done
I don’t live in a super safe neighbourhood, so I’m very weary around raiding in person. I don’t think it’s fair of niantic to insist on playing in an ‘idealistic’ way that doesn’t exist for a lot of us.
Lemme tell you this. I live in Brooklyn, NY. I have a plethora of gyms around me, nearly all of them church-based due to how plentiful the historic old buildings in my area are. I’m even bookended by gyms on my street. I’m not dying for and never will die for the ability to do gym raids in person and I’m omitting what I can play when at my work office in the city. I have a HUGE player access advantage over anyone living in a rural area. During raid hour I can see at least twenty gyms light up my scanner. Prior to the pandemic and the remotes, NOBODY in my area raided anything over Level 3 in person. Not a dang person. (Even the Level 3’s never got crowds) If I even tried, I’d be the only one standing around, looking like a fool. Literally all Legendaries in my area went to waste on a daily basis. When remotes came out, people in my area woke up from a sleep and WENT for those raids and it was like brand new. It made me so happy to see people wanting to raid things I couldn’t get on my own and not having to take a trip to a tourist spot in the city to do it. Forcing people to socialize and form communities instead of letting them happen organically never works out because the ideal always favors those with better equity in their lives. This nerfing comes from a place of privilege. Everyone who was born close to or at the top never knows what it’s like to be at the bottom. Niantic doesn’t NEED to do this. Throwing ice water at a non-existent fire helps nobody. Does it mean the end of raiding? No. Will it kill the game? No. Does it kill incentive to raid the big boys? Kinda. Why would I want to waste my money using expensive remotes for ONLY six shots a day at a Rayquaza or whatever that might never be shiny or come with good stats? And if it’s a new raid boss drop? Might as well wait a year until the shiny version of something new drops for a better bang on that buck. It’s like drinking a beer at a bar and then the bartender taking it away when it reaches half full and then telling you to go home. What is the point? One last thing. During the time I typed this out, I received three invites to raids from international friends on my list. I’ve never met or seen these people in person, but we were all able to enjoy raiding together and reaping the benefits of our friend levels. Had I been remote-capped, I would’ve missed out on those. Let me also say that I grind in the outdoors nearly every day, at least for an hour. So I play this thing as it was intended, when I can do so. Niantic doesn’t get to tell me through cutting out the best things of this game for everyone possible that I need to get off a phantom couch that I don’t have in order to play this game for me personally. If they really feel the need to do this, cap the remote amount at 10 or 12. Give people better chances with an unforgivable RNG playset. End rant, be good.
Pokémon GO Is dead since the past Go Fest, not because of this…
How on earth would we ever be able to do raids like Mega Latias or Primal raids with no raid passes. Getting that amount of people in most gyms is just impossible
No remotes = more spoofers
I live in a very cold area. For Rayquaza Raid hour today I went outside to try and do some in person raids. Got minor frostbite on my hands. Wasn’t able to afford remote passes rn. If I did I would’ve just done that. If they remove remotes pretty much all of Canada has 4 or so months of the year where we just can’t raid. This is an extraordinarily awful change for so many reasons.
there are so many factors to just say people don’t want to meet up and or even meet new people in the game. not everyone is able to go out to raid, because or work, medical reasons or it could be that most people live in small towns where hardly anyone plays, or they are just not social. well just look at the last ex raids you couldn’t remote them you had to be in person to do them, or even the in-person raids after community day. how many people stayed or where even able to do them since some were really tough to do, so you punish people who would like to get that Pokémon weather, they have one or not since they can’t remote them. it not like people have lots of gyms or even close to like in some countries or big cities where there are many in a block. how is seating on your couch in your home any different from raiding from your car. especially if you want people to interact with each other they need better events to be put on days and time where everyone is able to do if that is their goal. everyone plays the game differently and there is no wrong way to play, so to limit someone from doing what they like to do is a bunch of bull that is bad business. remotes are not issue, it just people who wear suits are clueless to the player base and it was really shown at the hoenn tour event. the one thing i can say is the community in pogo is a really good group of people who like to help each other out in the task or explaining things in the game. they should be more concern with the game and how they can make it run better instead of telling me how they should play the game.
We do not have community here
How will we do raise
This will impact those of us who do not have a community.
I understand that there are many situations that would make it impossible for some people to go out and raid, but I must say that today during rayquaza raid hour, I walked around with a group of over 40 people and had a blast. It reminded me of the game before the pandemic and I would love to see it more often (this usually only happens with good raid bosses on my university campus). I feel like many players who started after the pandemic see remote raids as the heart and soul of the game, but I personally have never been a huge remote raider and would by really happy if the system is changed to further incentivise doing in person raids. Maybe a different/better type of incentive can be put into place that encourages actually being at a raid with other people, and more people will start doing raids in person if they are able to.
Just tried 2 remote raids it used up my first 6 pokemon then kicked me out both times that’s pretty shit like them obsorbing the remote passes then removing you from the raid. I have to remote raid to get anything that requires more than one player to defeat or I can’t do it there is no community where I am so sorta handicapped in that respect.
Bro spoofers gonna be increased man
I don’t think it’s an issue for most of us. But for people who live in a rural area, it’s pretty much a screw you from Niantic.
I dont see a problem where both community (remote raiders) And (local raiders) play pokemon go. Anyone who wants to play with remote raids should not get affected. While if you are interested in going out and play the game, then continue to do so. Im pretty sure there will be chance to meet other local raiders as well. In some place, the facilities to go out And play pogo isnt there yet, And Im worried changing the remote raids will affect these people.
Just because I do remote raids most of the time doesn’t mean I’m not going out and doing other things in the game, but going to wind up be nothing in the game at this point since Niantic is on thin ice here with me about quitting the game already level 50 anyway.
And don’t care to meet other people either since aside from Pokemon Go players most of my town is toxic to you for no reason if your playing Pokemon Go haven’t met any toxic players yet at least.
and 99% of the time I can’t do raid hours anyway since I have work and my local community is pretty much dead anyway since I see some pokemon stuck in gyms for 14 days and such.
Suppose we should be looking at this topic like this Niantic doesn’t want you spending money on their game instead save your money and buy other things so maybe they are looking out for the community this time by killing the game so you save your money.
I’m sorry but this annoys me so much. Oh no, it’s so sad that people don’t go to gyms anymore for a small chance at a decent pokemon. This game is laced with gambling mechanics and not everyone can or wants to take time out of their lives to gamble for graphics on their screen. Niantic ask so much from us. They want our time, money, for us to do free work for them in gathering data. And what do we get in return? Maybe just maybe a small chance at getting a decent pokemon and the responsibility of creating our own fun in lieu of them actually providing a better and fairer gaming experience. Stop dressing this up as Ninantic cares about community, they care about gathering data. I love this game. But it’s sordid af.