【視聴数 4237330】
【チャンネル名 Rusty Lake】
【タグ cube escape,cube escape birthday,cube escape theatre,cube escape theater,cube escape theatre walktrough,rusty lake,mr owl,dale vandermeer,piano puzzle cube escape,sliding puzzle rusty lake,rustylake,rusty lake theatre】
Please help me with those damned flags 😅
It was all written in hindi. Spooky.
Quede un poco desepcionada como termina??
I got to the bloody mary part but i only have one glass with blood no second one
すごい !!
So many leagues to describe this game xP
Is a little creepy, it makes you think, also the atmosphere is very good and the music, I love it 💕
Ι love you
Thanks a lot
very hard n very scary
cade os br meu ;-;
6:44 game: “the sign”
my brain: dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
dont do it
me: i SaW tHe SiGn AnD iT oPeNeD uP mY eYeS-
le di al pájaro el huevo entero, soy un fracaso xd
Help me please, I have put the bird seed in the water pipe before i put them in order to the parrot. So now i lost that seed. Cause although i put the pipes in order, nothing still happens.
I don’t wanna read through the comments too much because I haven’t played the entire game yet but I’m really curious how the part with the colorful tiles around 1:57 works. I get that I have to move that blue/green/yellow tile to a designated spot but why does it randomly renew sometimes? What do I have to avoid to prevent that from happening?
In the Theatre scene with the fish, flower and parrot, my egg disappeared because my pipes were wrong!! Can I get another egg?
Бывало ли у Вас тaк: Вы cняли хopошеe видeо, пoтратили кучу вpeмени нa монтаж, вложили душу, нo пpосмотрoв оно не нaбираeт?
Вce дeлo в тoм, что для нaбoра прoсмотpoв сразу пocле публикaции pолика eму нeoбxoдимo дaть cтaртовый “тoлчок” в видe нecкoльких тыcяч пpocмoтрoв.
Для этoгo oтлично пoдходит cepвиc “Вибум”, в кoтopом за пaру кликов мoжнo pазмеcтить ваше видeo нa coтнях плoщaдок.
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Is there the same “Women,can’t live with them,can’t live without them”in the 1980 movie The Shining?
С водки ору
Uhm when the lady gave me the flower, and I went back, she didn’t go away. Like, the curtains didn’t close
Não consigo o piano
Can someone tell me the order we should play these games in?