【視聴数 128667】
【チャンネル名 Polka Ch. 尾丸ポルカ】
【タグ ホロライブ,hololive,ホロライブゲーマーズ,歌ってみた,ゲーム実況,実況,バーチャルyoutuber,Vtuber,VTuber,バーチャルYouTuber,VR,3D,ときのそら,ロボ子さん,夜空メル,アキ・ローゼンタール,赤井はあと,白上フブキ,夏色まつり,湊あくあ,紫咲シオン,百鬼あやめ,癒月ちょこ,大空スバル,大神ミオ,さくらみこ,猫又おかゆ,戌神ころね,兎田ぺこら,潤羽るしあ,不知火フレア,宝鐘マリン,白銀ノエル,AZKi,星街すいせい,角巻わため,天音かなた,桐生ココ,常闇トワ,姫森ルーナ,雪花ラミィ,桃鈴ねね,獅白ぼたん,魔乃アロエ,尾丸ポルカ,Ninomae Ina’nis,Watson Amelia,Takanashi Kiara,Mori Calliope,Gawr Gura,HololiveEN,任天堂】
なかなか花札を遊ぶ回を見る機会がないのでありがたい^ ^
あなたは私にこのゲームを学ぶように勧めました。 私はそれが本当に好きで、実際に学ぶのはそれほど難しいことではありません。 私はこれをグーグル翻訳に通したので、あなたがこれを読むことができることを願っています。
You encouraged me to learn this game. I really like it and it’s actually not that hard to learn. I put this through google translate so I hope you can read this .
ポルカには申し訳ないけどさっき2連続で五光出してしまった…m(_ _)m
That was an odd watch as archive, knowing the result.
Explanation for the stream:
Polka is playing the game Koi-koi, but not with the regular goal of just getting a score, but specifically getting the best-scoring combination in the game, the five “hikari” (five lights) cards.
It’s rather difficult, because the rules of the game are that whenever you have a scoring combination, you can either end the game and score, or call “koi-koi” (come-come!) to double the wager. After calling koi-koi, the next player who gets an additional scoring combination always ends the game, i.e. koi-koi can only be called once per deal.
There’s a few ways of collecting the five lights, but it definitely depends a lot on luck (the shuffle of the cards) and there will be deals where you can’t prevent the opponent from collecting one or more of them. Also, most ways of collecting them involves calling koi-koi, which adds to the risk, in case you are forced to collect some cards that give you additional scoring combinations, and thus ending the game.
The reason she focuses a lot on the “old dude” (Ono no Michikaze) is that it’s the one of the lights that has rain (he carries an umbrella), and it can’t be used to form a thee lights combination, which makes it easier to reach a four lights combination and call koi-koi, so you only need one more specific card. It’s also required for the chance of getting five lights without calling koi-koi.
In the final hour of the stream, it looks like Polka has generally got a good hang of the strategy involved, but never manages to have the required luck. In the few games where she does get four lights (or four lights with rain), the remaining one seems likely buried in the draw pile.