【視聴数 630044】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ valorant,valorant champions tour,vct,valorant esports,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant tournament,valorant trailer,valorant cinematic,valorant esports highlights,valorant esports tournament,valorant highlights,valorant vods,valorant championship,valorant pro gameplay,vct highlights,valorant champions,vct latam,vct br,vct apac,vct emea,vct na,valorant istanbul,valorant skin,vct skin,champions skin,Champions Phantom,valorant phantom】
i znowu portfel zaboli
why another butterfly – was hoping for a kunai this time!
omfg. im even more ecstatic about it then last champions bundle
Chamber themed phantom
man just give me prime on my store
okey guys i just baught battle pass couldnt you relese this sooner
i just spent it all on the reaver bundle…
I bought last years champions bundle and I’m getting every single one that’s about to come 22 23 24.. <3
Amazing but couldn’t they add sound effects to the gun that would made the guns even better
oh god this is so tempting but i alr have old champs bundle
Can’t wait for the AMV
When I can but it?
People who reach the rank “Gold” in valorant will get the Champions Phantom and Knife
Please go for Valorant x Monstercat!
cant decide to buy this or goku in fortnite
ok now i got too much phantom for vandal player lmfao
right after reaver now we get this stop riot stop.
No new animations for the butterfly knife?