【視聴数 116494】
【チャンネル名 root】
【タグ radiant valorant,iron to radiant,valorant best plays,root valorant,valorant iron to radiant,valorant funny moments,valorant highlights tournament,valorant settings,valorant radiant,radiant,valorant root,valorant radiant vs iron,valorant pro vs noob,valorant tips,valorant gameplay,valorant speedrun,root iron to radiant,valorant highlights,valorant montage,valorant pro,valorant,valorant new agent,clove gameplay,valorant iso,iso,iso to radiant】
Bro, you should teach us how to play like you, you are really too pro
Aim routine?
i love running the community into the ground even more
Stop fking cheating 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Can I have that account?
Pls upload more bro your him
Hard stuck silver any tips?
would u ever do a Vyse speedrun? (im just asking as im watching) I really wanna see if you will be able to get a significantly lower time than keeoh 😂
120k subs? last time i saw this you got less than 100 hahah congrats
Bro is smurfing in high lobbies 💀💀
root plz rank up my account
I love these content keep uploading bro
This guy : *Hard his ass out to rank up fast*
Everyone : This guy is cheating 😒
How long?
Crosshair please
Bros diamond lobbies were worse than my iron lobbies😂
nah , its not the internet, ITS THE TEAMMATES
long time no see
root bro i like your videos your videos is so so so good i watch in 2 year ago🥰