【視聴数 411710】
【チャンネル名 nikimii】
【タグ valorant,valorant clips,valorant gameplay,jett,reyna,TenZ,Zellsis,Tarik,Sentienls,nikimii,Vandal valorant,valorant montage,valorant edits,valorant headshots,valorant tutorials,iron to radiant,root valorant,offlinetv valorant,otv valorant,disguisedtoast val,dreamsmp valorant,valorant gun upgrade,gun upgrade kill,valorant gun game,csgo gun game,csgo clips,csgo or valorant,iitztimmy valorant,classic to immortal,speedrun to radiant,valorant speedrun,raze】
Xenohunter is so @$$
Funny, considering that the Xenohunter is a more realistic knife in the game
xenohunter is so cheap and has good animations
Bruh its his opinion you dont have to be like BUT ITS SO MUCH CHEAPER or I MIGHT STOP WATCHING YOU THIS OFFENDED ME( aw hell nah💀) or BUT ITS THE CHEAPEST OF YHE THREE YOU LISTED SO THAT MEANS ITS THE BEST KNIFE IN VALORANT like bro its his opinion why are so many people attacking him. You can just say your opinion on the knifes that he mentioned or some other knifes that you think are over or under rated but not bu hating.
Does he even know what underrated and overrated mean? crazy
I love this man
theres no 2 knives, only xerofang knife can pull out in your market nd the misericordia knife is so beautiful,but was only able to buy in vct 2023
xenohunter is just the default knife but bigger and with different animations
Ngl only bad takes
Everyone hates xenohunter, its underrated
in my opinion, the xenohunter is good but yeah i think its in the middle because of the chance of lots of people using them yet not a lot of design. Still its cheap and it works!
Bro u cant say anything for xeno cause champions came only once and xerofang is not so cheap and also xeno shocked everyone when it came and everybody wanted it so badly
I got black market butterfly knife, and it might be a lil overrated, but I think it’s just really clean
hey guys, just curious, should i get xenohumter for 50% off? its a great deal but i refently started worrying that it would be too similar to the default. night market ends soon so i need help quickly
choose xenohunter because i can get it in night market
im acording with you
Yoru comb so underrated