【視聴数 411710】
【チャンネル名 nikimii】
【タグ valorant,valorant clips,valorant gameplay,jett,reyna,TenZ,Zellsis,Tarik,Sentienls,nikimii,Vandal valorant,valorant montage,valorant edits,valorant headshots,valorant tutorials,iron to radiant,root valorant,offlinetv valorant,otv valorant,disguisedtoast val,dreamsmp valorant,valorant gun upgrade,gun upgrade kill,valorant gun game,csgo gun game,csgo clips,csgo or valorant,iitztimmy valorant,classic to immortal,speedrun to radiant,valorant speedrun,raze】
xenohunter knife is good because its a classic just like prime vandal, reaver vandal or knives. the reason its better than the other knives that has xenohunter animation is that it is not a glowstick.
reaver bundle overrated asf
vct 23 is the bestt
VCT knife won’t comeback:
Xerofang knife right click is worse than xenohunter
Bro just put on key bee animation vid on this
never let bro rate again
I swear if I heard one more yap session about why the radiant crisis bat is the second best knife in the game because it’s cheap-like he doesn’t already have a $50 knife that’s way better- I would’ve beaten up at least 3 orphans today
We don’t need your opinion
If the arcane gauntlets get readded to store imma cop as soon as possible
Xenohunter has a super clean shape and look that’s why I like it and prime is the best karambit just don’t upgrade it. It’s quite simple
you’re dumbass
xenohunter is a overrated piece of shit
average valirant player
never let bro cook again
Never let bud rank again😂😂😂
But the 2021 Champion Karambit is the only Karambit with a really clean visual effect. For balisong, we got recon and black market. For the axe, we got Neo Frontier. But for Karambit, the second cleanest is VCT25 (except for that one in the pass). The knife still has obvious visual effects and looks relatively different from a real Karambit.
I think you misunderstood the meaning of overrated and underrated.
Don’t let this guy rank again
you have no clue you bot
xenohunter is different from the other 2 knives you compared it to. xerofang is decent, but the lock in knife is not only limited edition, its fucking ugly.