【視聴数 9249】
【チャンネル名 Dittozkul】
【タグ Valorant,Valorant Curios,Valorant Moments,Valorant Versus,Dittozkul,Dittoz,Valorant Crazy Customs,Valorant Stream,Dittozkul Streams,Dittozkul Twitch,Live Stream Highlights,Valorant highlights,Valorant streams,Valorant Radiants,Valorant Immortals,Valorant Diamonds,Valorant Platinums,Valorant Golds,Valorant Silvers,Valorant Bronze,Valorant Ascendant,Valorant Iron】
Personally I went from iron 3 to gold 1 in one act and improved pretty fast, but I have to say the one thing that makes the games horrible are the smurfs. There are literally one or two Smurfs every game who are just destroying everyone in the lobby. When that happens for 2-3 games in a row it really brings you down mentally… if the Smurf problem would be fixed then I think the game would be a lot more enjoyable!
I get annoyed at Valorant a lot of the time because whenever I win, I get +14 or other low numbers but when I lose I lose like -30. I know there’s the argument about mmr but honestly most of the games I win I mvp. The only major issue I have is inconsistency – despite being silver my hs% is within the top percentile of players – but even still I find that some of the time I’m not performing as I should be. I often feel that I get punished too harshly in ranked and when I win the rewards aren’t great enough to help bring back a positive mentality.
Can you please stop crying about the game?
THE MOST fun i had in valorant is when i ranked up to silver, I could see myself improving. now that im in diamond, this game feels more like a part time job and ruins my day. why do I still play this trash i wonder?
Yea I went 36/12 and most of my teamates were negative 12/20 and got match frag (I’m silver and my friend who is diamond said I am gold 3-plat 1
Nice video mate! I watch some streamers and I think that:
-people like blaming no comms too much. Most likely other team has no comms too.
-people peak too much. Do they say that they are going to peak? Usually not
-someone else is to blame that they dont win their 50/50 or in other words 1vs1.
I understand that sometimes you get a bad team but usually they are just too weak for a higher rank. And they try to find someone to blame instead of taking the responsability…
Honestly Val in general is just depressing. Unrateds and Swiftplays you have people trying their lives out and getting mad, brings down your mood too. There’s no where to play Val casually without trying your dick off.
i lose: i feel bad.
i win: i feel like ive delayed the next loss
This is what I always feel… And I’m in IRON 1!!! THE LOWEST RANK POSSIBLE… Valorant is a great FPS game, but the only problem is the MATCHMAKING, I have Valorant Tracker and I see the enemy have 3 iron 3s meanwhile my team have 1. My matches are always WLWL, so I’m just bouncing between RRs.
Tbh i just play unrated
Man… the truth is any competitive game at some point will start to feel stale, but any competitive game that has a hard learning curve and is as stamina based as valorant you will start to hate or feel toxic towards. The sad truth is that valorant is like a meat grinder or in less harsh terms a filter for who can hit heads more consistently. Yes there is game sense and game planning but there is also luck and the game is treated like a blind card game instead of an open chess board. But in all the chaos that is this game it all boils down to head popping or who can kill more consistently. And let’s say you make it to the holy grail that is radiant in ranked the game encourages you to try the pro scene. And that is the filter its boiling everything down to who can be the next best team. And all that is entertaining and benefits the game more than the community knows but more importantly it creates hype and gives hope to people to try and play ranked again and climb. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good game and I can’t knock it for anything else aside from no story and an extremely high learning curve for the future, because that is what all those updates is going to amount to in the future, 5 years down the line
SUPER insightful and relatable analysis. Observations on issues regarding 3-stack teams account farming in the lower half of the ranks matches up well with this analysis. Especially helpful to point out the vast majority of players are not the highly visible diamond and above. Thank you for saying this.
I can confirm that the only reason I enjoyed comp this season was because i hit immo after 5 stacking with buddies and instantly began to hate it. I have a plat and silver account that I use to play with some lower elo friends if theyre having bad days but even then comp isn’t fun whether youre curb stomping low elo or hitting a new high in higher ranks. The only enjoyment i ever get in comp nowadays is when I curb stomp someone who talks trash in games and even then its a short lived happiness
So I started in Iron 3/Bronze 1, but it wasn’t my first FPS game because I had about 100 hours in CS:GO. After about a month, I reached Silver and found myself stuck there for a while. However, after making some changes to my setup, I instantly ranked up to Platinum. From there, it was a grind until I reached Diamond. After a new episode was released, it became quite challenging to rank up, especially while playing with past Immortals. I was stuck in Diamond for a while, but recently, I reached Ascendant 1. So, the lesson is to never give up, even when dealing with throwers or smurfs. The game is supposed to be fun, so if you’re not feeling it on a particular day or not in the mood, it’s okay to take a break and come back when it’s enjoyable again.
Also I never used a mic
yeah ranked is so sad and draining not really rewording to much because i went from gold 1 to silver 2 this is really burning out
Imagine playing “competitive” to have fun and not being competitive
Thank you
Dittozkull getting way to real
Initially came from overwatch and apex and i struggled in valorant quite a bit but soon find myself to start improving with better win rates, KAST, HS rate etc. I was genuinely starting to enjoy the game instead of being mowed down by smurfs as I was improving. But as I was improving, i get harder enemies but not better teammates. I still get DCs, throwers, AFKs or just people who are downright worse by a mile and do not coms in a game that prides itself to be extremely competitive. On the low days, I think I’d just prefer to play the other two even in ranked and actually enjoy myself. Just yesterday through Valorant tracker, all 4 5 games that I played had the matchmaking skewing the advantage on the enemy side while mine will have one or two that are genuinely new or do not know what to do or DC and enemy has a raze that bought a new account and just ruin the entire experience by trashing everybody. I really want to like this game and I already had a few who moved on and couldn’t take it but I am starting to think I should follow their steps.
Never let anyone or anything ruin your day❤️ Instead, ruin it yourself by solo queing Valorant ranked.