【視聴数 75640】
【チャンネル名 BacKoFFmyJanKz】
【タグ backoffmyjankz,jankz,apex legends,apex legends tips,apex legends ps5,ps5 apex legends,apex legends new,apex legends update,apex legends console,jankz apex legends,apex legends gameplay,apex legends best,apex legends octane,octane,octane gameplay,apex legends octane gameplay,octane buff,octane nerf,octane abilities,octane change,apex legends octane jump pad,apex legends octane best,best legend in apex,apex legends octane abilities】
Bloodhound is my fav legand
Wattson will always be my baby <3
Ash is my favorite
Bangalore is always my favorite, second valk for sure. Love when you play octane bro you shred 💕
I’ve been maining wattson because I like her shield regen abilities. Her ult is super useful late game too. Horizon gets honorable mention because I love how slippery she is
Great vid bro, I’ve literally been watching your vids for the last 2 years and not only have I learned thing but you inspired me to creat my own YouTube and give this thing a try lol thank you
octane or pathy
My favorite is revenant
Lifeline is hands down my favorite. Close second is rampart
Hands down Loba is my favorite character only one I main, haven’t played anyone since she came out
Pathfinder is my boy, I love how friendly he is and his grapple XD
Wraith for me. I just feel most comfortable playing her. I think it’s her size and ease of movement.
Path then octane
I mainly play wraith but I do enjoy octane and horizon on occasion
Hey jankz I just ordered the scuff reflex per your recommendation and used code jankz. I had the infinity and only lasted a few months before the toggle buttons started falling apart on me and stick drift was too bad to use. Pray for me that it lasts longer than that one did. 😅
My fav legend is also octane but if I had to choose anybody else probably horizon or seer
Ever since day one my favorite has been Mirage. There’s nothing more hilarious and satisfying than when someone falls for a dastardly bamboozle and you one clip them in the back! 🤣
Valkyrie will always be my favorite legend! Loved her kit from the very beginning. And the lore tying titanfall sealed the deal for me! She’s extremely versatile and can always get you and/or your team out of sticky situations
Funny enough, I started playing octane after watching jankz videos. I am no where good but it’s always fun to play with him. I did went from day long matches with no kills to per match at-least 2-3 kills.
Octane may be the top picked character, but random octanes are almost always the bad random teammates 😂😂
Way out in front, knocked 5 seconds into a fight. Etc
Good octane mains are rare, but he’s so fun to play.