【視聴数 75640】
【チャンネル名 BacKoFFmyJanKz】
【タグ backoffmyjankz,jankz,apex legends,apex legends tips,apex legends ps5,ps5 apex legends,apex legends new,apex legends update,apex legends console,jankz apex legends,apex legends gameplay,apex legends best,apex legends octane,octane,octane gameplay,apex legends octane gameplay,octane buff,octane nerf,octane abilities,octane change,apex legends octane jump pad,apex legends octane best,best legend in apex,apex legends octane abilities】
The one and only octane
Favorite legend originally was Bangalore then I started using Loba then Fuse now Valkyrie
Mirage, Blood Hound, and Horizon are my top three favorite in order with Mirage being the top
Hands down LOVE playing Fuse. Especially with the new ranked, and finding rats hiding in buildings. A Seer or Bloodhound to scan them, and then launching everything and more at them. It feels good
My favorite legend is loba
My favorite legend would have to be pathfinder his grapples are fun
Yo wassup jankz I’m a big fan but ima seer main and have been since he came out
All aboard the octrane!!
I favorites are octane and Ash. its hard to choose between them for me
Dont judge me…. but Rampart is my fav legend…. not too harsh please lol
new castle
Bruh the animations with octanes stim somtimes😄
I dont know about you but i think the stim should have a little more benefits to the stim. It useful for escaping or pushing but thats about it. You cant really use it for mid battle which is what i want from octane. And i feel like if the strafe speed and/or climbing speed was faster it would be a little more viable. Or even faster reload i always fet caught in the open while reloding cause i decided to push.
I like Octane’s passive almost as much as his stem, I also like Caustic (almost opposite of octane lol) because it forces enemies to change how they approach you. My third is probably bloodhound, his scanner is the easiest tactical to use in the game plus his ultimate is great.
Rampart and Fuse!!
Lifeline and Mirage are my favourites! I play Octane and Caustic a lot
“You gotta yell WESTSIDE!” Brooooo hahahahaha
Octane all day my favorite love your videos
Caustic and loba are my fav to run
Watson probably