【視聴数 1598411】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ Apex Legends,apex,エーペックス,apex gaiden,Apex Legends Gaiden,Apex Legends Gaiden Event,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,gaiden event apex,gaiden event apex legends,apex anime event,apex gaiden trailer,bangalore prestige,apex legend,new prestige skin,apex legends event,apex legends control,Apex Legends Newcastle,Apex Legends Saviors,Apex Legends Season 13,Battle Royale,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts,Titanfall 2,apex anime,apex トレーラー】
wattson skin is a meh but the rest are well done
Yes, Finally! Future Revenant’s buff looks good!
so they give bangalore a anime skin but not the actual character who naruto runs
Not having mirage as Naruto seems like a missed opportunity.
Skulltown? 👀
this trailer is absolutly awesome
am i the only one to see no release date?
Geuss who’s give respawn money 💸
Bro where did the nessi came from
Que es esa hu3v4d4 loco
0:26 why is naruto doing a kamehameha?!
1:11 ahh the naruto barrage!!
Bro what did I just watch
1:36 I do expect that
Totally awesome!
A pathfinder gundam would have been cool
Better stick to 3D.
I haven’t crafting metal. Get my octane skin😥😥😥
I finally get revenants scythe it took forever
why was this so f***** good