【視聴数 1598411】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ Apex Legends,apex,エーペックス,apex gaiden,Apex Legends Gaiden,Apex Legends Gaiden Event,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,gaiden event apex,gaiden event apex legends,apex anime event,apex gaiden trailer,bangalore prestige,apex legend,new prestige skin,apex legends event,apex legends control,Apex Legends Newcastle,Apex Legends Saviors,Apex Legends Season 13,Battle Royale,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts,Titanfall 2,apex anime,apex トレーラー】
would have made way more sense for mirage to be Naruto
A gastar todo mi dinero 💵
I would so watch a apex anime in the style
This trailer perfectly describes Revenant attempting to redeem himself for how scary he used to be
A Mirage le quedaba ser Naruto (por el tema de los clones de sombra/hologramas)
Animation was amazing
Watson- naruto
Octain- luffy
Mirage- deku
Revenant- a neon genesis robot
Quads ltm confirmed????
Is that an anime reference?
Sick AF Animation!
if the Wattson mythic skin comes with a Kamehameha finisher, you can take all of my money
Caustic could be the villain 😲
Apex really missed an opportunity not making Mirage the Naruto skin when both use clones.
i feel like im watching animated power rangers right now
The end was the best. Love the Naruto in this. LFG
Dragon Legends
Wait, wattson (naruto) does kamehameha and mirage (deku) does uzumaki barrage… something is clearly wrong here folks
I need that Octane says: Bienvenido al Ammo Bandito!