【視聴数 1598411】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ Apex Legends,apex,エーペックス,apex gaiden,Apex Legends Gaiden,Apex Legends Gaiden Event,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,gaiden event apex,gaiden event apex legends,apex anime event,apex gaiden trailer,bangalore prestige,apex legend,new prestige skin,apex legends event,apex legends control,Apex Legends Newcastle,Apex Legends Saviors,Apex Legends Season 13,Battle Royale,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts,Titanfall 2,apex anime,apex トレーラー】
Suprised noone realized skull town in the back.
So ripping off DBZ…Naruto…I mean Respawn I hate that EA is affecting you this way…
Shouldn’t Mirage have Naruto skin since his ability’s base on clones
Gotta give it to Respawn, they know how to make a trailer
I still think mirage should have gotten the naruto skin
This is now my favourite Apex trailer
This was the best trailer yet
where did they took wingman and mirage skins?
Now respawn is legally obligated to make an full on Apex Legends anime
Ah god, I’ve never been so depressed that I’m a F2P.
Apex animations just hit different
Still upset Watson is naruto and mirage isn’t
>naruto skin
>does kamehameha
clearly shows that mirage deserves the naruto skin
respawn really miss out on give mirrage a Naruto skin instead of wattson.
This is…this is beautiful
Anime is the worst art form of all time, slightly below slam poetry.
Dude, you guys rock!
Only 30 min