【視聴数 91938】
【チャンネル名 ExxotikGaming】
【タグ Apex Legends,Apex Legends Mobile,Apex Legends Mobile 2.0,Apex Legends Mobile 2.0 News,News,Gameplay,APEXM,Mobile Game,Mobile Gaming,Battle Royale,Gaming News,High Energy Heroes,New Tencent Game,High Energy Heroes Download,High Energy Heroes Gameplay,Apex Legends Mobile 2.0 Download,Apex Legends Mobile Chinese Version,Chinese Version Download,How to Download,How to Play,WeChat Account,High Energy Heroes WeChat,WeChat SignUp,WeChat QR Code,Verification】
Pack god
Heyy first can u fix?
Hope you get better exxotick 😢
Hey everyone! Sorry for being a couple days late to this! I have been terribly sick (and still am) so it took longer than normal to get this video out. I hope I can recover soon so I can get lots of new videos out for you guys!! 😊💪🏻
Today am the first here
Get better bud
1st pin?
Hope you have an even better day/night
Something really dumb that I wanted to correct from one of your last videos is that you said if this game did well Respawn could partner with tencent to bring ApexMobile again, which is never going to happen, that is the partnership that ALREADY dissolved hence this game and assets.
Stronger likely hood of either Respawn completely porting Apex HD to mobile on their own or MAYBE I could see them asking Panic Button to port the game since they made the switch version
I hope you recover
I hope you get better 🙏
Theres a modded wechat apk for Android it only works with Facebook but its better then paying
This game is better than the original it’s honestly my favorite game right now
Hey man, thanks for always keeping us up to date on the latest gaming news and get well soon!
Pls play pg3d again