【視聴数 1836918】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ apex legends,apex,apex legends vantage,vantage apex legends,apex vantage,survive apex,apex survive,survive,apex legends hunted,apex legends season 14,stories from the outlands,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,vantage,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,new apex legend,vantage apex,vantage trailer,apex legends game,respawn apex legends,battle royale game,battle royale,apex games,multiplayer shooter,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2】
Enough of this garbage of a game. It was perfect at Season 0, but no, you had to cater to all the “pro players”. Now its broken and you can’t go back. Thank God TF2 servers are back up and running. Give the people what they want! Titanfall 3!!!!
She looks pretty cool, too bad I can’t play Apex enough more due to the absurd lag.
These batman movies are getting out of hand
Yay. More minorities 😃😐
Love the new trailer to Morbius : get morbin
When Vantage got bit by the bat, I couldn’t believe she said “stand back mom, I’m beginning to morb!”
Horizon Apex Dawn? Apex Forbidden Legends?
You guys, and your nonsense ‘Morbin’ meme references–
This was whack af, the animations too
Jesus this entire comment section is 10 year olds saying the same joke 🤢
She looks like Wattson..
Does anyone know who her voice actress is yet?
Meh + fix your trash servers
kind of a let down if u ask me. Now let’s see her gameplay
Lol who else thought that was lifeline for a sec..
Apex Legends: Zero Dawn lol
I don’t need a new character. Please give me a footstep.
Why are there so many females? I think there’s more of them than the males in apex now. And let’s just be honest here, guys are in war and shoot more than woman. We got what, Fuse and Newcastle? Besides that I think octane was the last male legend released. Idk maybe it’s a small gripe but idk why they’re pushing too many females in a shooting game.
Estaría genial que hubiera una serie con estas historias .. ❤️