【視聴数 1836918】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ apex legends,apex,apex legends vantage,vantage apex legends,apex vantage,survive apex,apex survive,survive,apex legends hunted,apex legends season 14,stories from the outlands,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,vantage,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,new apex legend,vantage apex,vantage trailer,apex legends game,respawn apex legends,battle royale game,battle royale,apex games,multiplayer shooter,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2】
I can’t wait to try out morbius 🤯
Bloodhound I found your sis
Cross progress?
What time is it?
It’s morbin time
Idk man shooting out drone is fine but idk if I want to shoot a bat
Theres no real meaning to these stories anymore. Titanfall had meaning. Its just story then new season but nothings actually going to get better about Apex.
I don’t really understand but she looks cool
I came to the comment section for Morbius references. And I was not disappointed. IT’S MORBIN TIME BABY!
It’s morbin time
Can someone fill me in on the reference too “Its morbin time”
fix rank
This was the most meh apex trailer
It is not morbin time
Finally a Batman crossover
I genuinely wish they’d either stop adding characters, or take a break from it to focus on other elements of their game and lore.
Deverian hacer una serie tienen pontencial una animada no esos live action que los actores parecen estrellass nopor