【視聴数 1836918】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ apex legends,apex,apex legends vantage,vantage apex legends,apex vantage,survive apex,apex survive,survive,apex legends hunted,apex legends season 14,stories from the outlands,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,vantage,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,new apex legend,vantage apex,vantage trailer,apex legends game,respawn apex legends,battle royale game,battle royale,apex games,multiplayer shooter,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2】
how come the video was released 48mins ago but every comment says 1day ago
Y’all gotta admit that baby bat was cute AF! 🥹
They’re already releasing a new season?
Wow this has heavy Horizon: Zero Dawn vibes.
Hmmm koo I guess. At least no woke bs..
When she almost bled out, Morbius came down and said, “pilates helps” and then she was all better 🙂
give us Solos bro
Very cool as always, but I’m not playing until they fix the game
where Nemesis’ Gun??
new hero?
morbus in apecks lejemds?
Of course, I understand everything a small indie company, but why even a 2 FPS video ?
*Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into his content for us*
batman 2.0
That bat better be either morbius or her heirloom
It’s Morbin’ time
Apax Charakter designs are getting worse and worse
She needs to go see lifeline for that bat bite. It could be serious
This was actually really well done and everyone down in comments are just talking about morbing.