【視聴数 1836918】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ apex legends,apex,apex legends vantage,vantage apex legends,apex vantage,survive apex,apex survive,survive,apex legends hunted,apex legends season 14,stories from the outlands,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,vantage,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,new apex legend,vantage apex,vantage trailer,apex legends game,respawn apex legends,battle royale game,battle royale,apex games,multiplayer shooter,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2】
Plot twist: her entire world is a simulation
These comments are killing me 🤣🤣🤣
Here’s a theory- what if the mom is actually “big sister” from Rampart’s SFTO. They both have their right eye injured. The mom is wanted for something, and big sister is some kind of gang leader. I now it’s a stretch, but I’d love to see this theory come true.
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Bloodhound is so cool they had to make Bloodhound 2.
Revamp the gun pool, game is repetitive and boring 🥱
This game is going to be a morbillion times better now
Like horizon reference, love it lol
Wow looks like bloodhound has some competition
This ain’t it chief. See ya around s15
I really liked how they showcased her abilities like they do in the other stories of the outlands videos. Really gives us a good idea of what she can do!
The game is so boring it’s actually unbelieveable
That was a gate into the upside down and that bat was apart of vecna
This was an interesting Story From The Outlands. But the Morbius jokes are seriously getting out of hand from this.
Justice, the answer is justice
It’s morbin time
Good story