【視聴数 1836918】
【チャンネル名 Apex Legends】
【タグ apex legends,apex,apex legends vantage,vantage apex legends,apex vantage,survive apex,apex survive,survive,apex legends hunted,apex legends season 14,stories from the outlands,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,vantage,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,new apex legend,vantage apex,vantage trailer,apex legends game,respawn apex legends,battle royale game,battle royale,apex games,multiplayer shooter,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2】
Its morbin time
New Bloodhound bestie
Am I the only one who thinks that she would get along with Bloodhound perfectly?
Muy God contado el afán de alargar 👌
We getting a new map?
On a real, if youre ever making a fire, be careful about building one in a cave, if there’s no draft, carbon monoxide could become a problem, they put theirs close to the entrance, so they are probably ok, but be careful
I can wait for the new legend to have the ability to turn into a bat
Crypto 2.0
This look fire
That was batty
And next season is covid?
Why can’t these guys make a series already??
Mara 🤭 after learning a little Japanese (and i guess primarily from playing SMT) that name will always be childishly humorous
Animation feels wierd and lifeless. Story is kind of mid.
Yes, i cant wait for more bugs and gamebreaking errors.
Another legends has hunter vibe🔥🔥🔥
This one was trash
My favorite part was her mother
This is that time when Mirage and Lifeline had a kid then left it for Bloodhound to raise. He went for milk and didn’t return because he saw a crow and kept following it around