【視聴数 36441】
【チャンネル名 JMeyels】
【タグ apex,apex legends,apex news,apex update,apex heirloom,apex legends news,apex legends update,apex update news,algs,apex algs,apex season 14,apex season 14 update,apex ranked,apex ranked tips,apex season 14 ranked,apex legends ranked,apex controversy,apex kings canyon,apex vantage,apex imperialhal,imperialhal,tsm imperialhal,apex hunted,apex legends hunted,apex kings canyon update,apex ranked changes,apex legends season 14,apex legends season 13】
Kings is my favorite map. The only reason pros want it gone is because there’s no where to safely sit in a building until the last zone. I could say the same thing about storm. Trash map, zone makes me have to go around 4 mountains which is so boring. They nerfed one of the best movement legends to make it even harder to travel around. Delete stormpoint then we’ll talk about kings.
They already took the self revive from us
We need self res back on firing range so we can 1v1 again
I was plat and i got pred badge i can’t complain
My ass we’ve been wanting to get ride of Storm point for the longest and that shits still here. And I think everybody’s pissed because of that one spot that’s open as hell and it’s sniper heaven even for fools with hemlocks.
I’ve most the pros opinions but kings canyon needs to stay.
0.45% of the ranked population but the only opinions that seem to matter to respawn, pretty nuts.
The people that play RANKED 90%of the time wanting a small map removed is like an atheist wanting a book from the bible to be removed. 😭😂 fuk outta here
I like only 2 of the many changes they made to KC. skullish town, and the walkway west of cage just south of the rez beacon in the cut. every other change is fuckin horrible, why are they taking out so many ways to rotate?
Omg I don’t like these pros complaining about every little thing on the planet
hate the fact that pros have a say for so many of the changes in this game, cause the pro/competitive scene is so so much different than the casual player base; and i really feel like that’s something that pro’s really don’t take into consideration when asking for these changes.
take the removal of self res, self res makes pubs a lot of fun with some chaotic endgames or some clutch plays, but can be frustrating in ranked. i really feel like ranked is a completely different game from casual games, and should have a different loot pool/speed.
I honestly don’t think the kings canyon changes are bad. Crazy how pros seem to be hurting their own game by always calling for unnecessary changes. Will say the matchmaking is still a little weird and the “W”‘ing is kinda true
I would rather play kings canyon everyday of my life then play storm point ever again
I love this map and the recolor etc
it wasn’t the matchmaking they were talking about adjusting, it was the KP
If Kc gets removed I quit bruh
kings canyon is the greatest. F the haters
I have been a KC hater for a long time, but these new changes have really made me enjoy it (I haven’t played it in ranked but the pubs games have been pretty solid). Some rotations feel a little weird, and some of the bottlenecks still suck, but overall it’s a great improvement to the map imo
It’s frustrating that maybe a thousand people if that. Get to complain and want to make changes to a game that way more them just them play. I personally like kings canyon. Look what the pros did to ranked and in turn ruined skill based matchmaking. Stick to your pro series. If you want a change to the pro series then have ALGS change it for your series. But leave the game alone.