【視聴数 36441】
【チャンネル名 JMeyels】
【タグ apex,apex legends,apex news,apex update,apex heirloom,apex legends news,apex legends update,apex update news,algs,apex algs,apex season 14,apex season 14 update,apex ranked,apex ranked tips,apex season 14 ranked,apex legends ranked,apex controversy,apex kings canyon,apex vantage,apex imperialhal,imperialhal,tsm imperialhal,apex hunted,apex legends hunted,apex kings canyon update,apex ranked changes,apex legends season 14,apex legends season 13】
0:47 this is going to be in my nightmare 💀.
I want storm point removed:)
I think the pros should get there own game entirely they got mad at the self res bc it was to op which it wasn’t and now they are trying to take the kings canyon out which holds a place in my heart bc apex came out right when my parents divorce started and kings canyon was the only map bac then
shit pro players ruining the fun for casual players
Thank you kings Canyon is great … But hey the pros get to decide everything. Also 40 50k likes on a tweet dont really mean much when there is millions of players on all platforms. When did twitter users decide they were the only cummuinty that counts?
Loudest voice in class wins I guess.
Pros keep ruining the game and forcing respawn to remove and add stuff. Honestly just let respawn make the stuff they have planned and it’s annoying also I’m not saying “don’t report bugs” I’m saying let respawn choose what they want to add.
Tbh, I would want them to change the Ring time to 90 secs instead of 60 secs. If not just revert the time all together
Ranked kings canyon this season is really bad. Limited rotations, 5 squads left in round 1 and terrible fights. Having blue armor in final against people with red is awful
people actually like storm point!!!!
the only reason I took a break on apex is because of dumb map
No way people think storm point is better than kings canyon right ?
What do I do when I buy ac coins and never receive them but the money is taken from my Xbox account
Really enjoy KC. Understand if pros don’t like it but they always be finding something to complain about with each map.
Like I said before. There allways something to be complaint and ask a to be removes like every scene.
P.s I miss og KC
Ha! It’s like every season. Breaking. People still come back. Gold fish.
PRO’s OPINION doesn’t Matter!!!
Broooo what the hell kings canyon is so fun storm point is such a hot trash mess of a map if I have to play another season with that shit map I’m done playing apex genuinely. worlds edge is just fragment half Libby dead before ring 2 and Olympus is 3rd party century imo. I’m the best in KC my first time in diamond was kc, highest kills we’re KC. My first 4K was Olympus but still. Why do the pros get to decide what happens to apex they just want to stay pros so they choose what there best at not what the community enjoys
I want og Kings canyon
Im still bothered that im playing with alot of games with ppl who’ve never played ranked
Olympus + World’s edge = Superior
500,000 players on apex at one time and You guys wonder why the server is dying. Respawn needs to stop hiding from their problems.