【視聴数 47409】
【チャンネル名 TimProVision】
【タグ TimProVision,apex,apex legends,apex tips,apex legends tips,apex tips and tricks,apex legends tips and tricks,apex legends best legends,apex best legends,apex legends worse legends,apex legends bad legends,apex legends tips and tricks for beginners,apex season 16,apex legends season 16,season 16】
I felt bad for this Rev who put his Ult down in front of me just for me to use it too and take down his squad
Rev needs the infinite distance/time on totem.
As a Revenant main i only need one thing. His tactical to silence all abilities including passives of all legends
The easiest fix for revenant is just making him the total money pop set and then if he gets knocked out of it the whole team gets knocked out of it
Rev buff idea. Silence does 25 damage each/ doesn’t allow revive.
Totem can only activate for teammates and causes damage to enemies that get close/ also causing abilities to silence. Lastly using the totem allows punching to do 50 damage and weapons don’t lose ammo while activated.
I personally think they need to revert the big nuke that rev Ultimate gives off, people were complaining its was annoying to get rev thirded, so what? learn to play around getting pushed by a Rev, you see a team pushing, retreat, beam them, take a different position? there’s a lot you can do, I’ve got almost 8k kills on him all with his “weak kit” You’ve just gotta learn to play around it, there are so many other legends that their abilities are a greater annoyance. I don’t think he needs a crazy buff. Just get rid of the area of effect that putting his ultimate down gives away.
Ash should have a grenade type launch like revenants, except instead of an insta effect it is more like a quicker arc star that snares everyone in its radius for shorter, or make the damage in the current snare periodic and more intense on screen effects – blinding or flinch. Either way give it two charges
it would be cool if rampart can reload all the weapons fast like how the weapons in her landing area are or would the be to op?
HORIZON !!!!!!
My man caustic is one of the last legends that need a buff, the only thing I could think of is maybe have is barrels deploy faster but that just be broken, i honestly get worried fighting caustic teams especially end circle
Lifelines one is useless
Nah mirage alone needs a buff let him switch places with his clones I think that would fix him enough to where it wouldn’t be too op
A caustic and ash buff would be so nice 🙏
Honestly I just think it depends on people play style. Because I get people who use bang, Mirage, Wraith or Pathfinder and like to not engage in fights whatsoever.
Just get rid of all the control legends
Caustic is good enough. We don’t need him to be strong all the time let him be average, the game is better that way.
Mirage buff idea: let him attach a clone to a zip line/rail
Okay so as an ash main (keep in mind I’m playing for fun rn and I’m only plat 2-1 if I don’t have a bad day 😭) I’m gonna be a little biased but the second I picked her up I knew she needed a buff, i think doing what the did for rev would be nice and give her two tethers like said in the video, I also think the ult should go 100-120 meters instead of the range it is now (Idek I just know I can run from or get to fights 😂) because her ult doesn’t get you far enough from a fight to reset or even fully run bc they just beam you immediately if they have half a brain. Her ult charge is fine it’s fairly quick but I think the tether should be like 3-5 seconds fast for cooldown. For caustic though he’s nowhere near where he used to be, I think his gas should be stronger and you should be able to through the cans from farther so it’s able to be used more aggressively or maybe give them a health bar so I can’t just shoot it once and it disappears, I think his ult seems okay, maybe a slight damage buff like +2 or 3 but besides that it seems fine. And for rev I think his passive is fine and his tac is fine since there’s two charges now but his ultimate should last longer, your teammates shouldn’t be able to break it and it should be quieter, maybe not completely silent but like a seer tac level of sound so the whole lobby doesn’t know you’re there but if you’re pushing a team they’ll probably know.