【視聴数 57426】
【チャンネル名 Zipp】
【タグ apex,legends,zipp,apex legends】
ApexLegends攻略youtube動画まとめサイト 人気のFPSゲームApexLegendsが大好きな方の為のサイトです。ApexLegendsの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のApexLegends動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 57426】
【チャンネル名 Zipp】
【タグ apex,legends,zipp,apex legends】
apex the super competitive game where the direction of changes are made for majority of the player base (casual players), lets not listen to the people with 6k hours+ about what’s wrong with the game. As long as people are lining the pockets of EA, no meaningful change will happen.
After a game has been out for a while and the competitive scene fleshes out, and people master the mechanics of the game, it just gets harder to play for casuals. As a person who only has time to play games for maybe 1 or 2 hours a week, online multiplayer gets increasingly difficult for me. When I started playing Apex at the start of season 4, I used to have a lot of fun with friends. But that was because I had time to put into the game and not as many people were cracked. Now I try and play pubs and have to alt+F4 after a couple of matches because I just can’t keep up lol. It’s not an issue with Apex, because I experienced the exact same thing with Warzone. Guess I just have to admit I’m an old man hahaha. But Apex always holds a special place in my heart, and I have a lot of respect for those that are devoted and absolute demons at the game.
No body complain more then streamers and pros its so funny to me bc i thought i was bad w it
Apex requires you to play every day or else… I play three times a week, each time I play for about 4 to 5 hours and I usually only win 2 games. However, when I play like three days in a row by the third day I’m so locked in that I usually double or triple the amount of games I win, but I have a life so I can’t afford to do that all the time, Hal is totally right, but Fortnite sucks in comparison.
no point to playing apex casually
in other words no point to even play a public match might as well play ranked
Hal giving terrible advice. Either play it more competitively or find things in the game that’s fun to do, like Ratchet’s vid with trapping people in Bunker using Gas Daddy Caustic. People can always find fun things to do or get better at the game through learning
Yea let’s jus ignore the fact that he 1v3 a full plat team while in pred… love this game
Apex isn’t an easy game, and that’s okay, it doesn’t have to be. plenty of easy, casual multiplayer games. no need to turn Apex into something it isn’t
i think. this is one of the few takes hal has said i agree with if ur a casual i really dont think u should worry about how well your playing if your teammates calling u out in a pub then they just weirdos i think the only time u should worry about your skill is if ur well into the gold plat+ area where ur expected to be above average
every apex player suffers from “no audio” syndrome
I started playing shatterline instead of solo queuing apex. SoloQ is miserable. Apex needs control to be permanent for people who just want a casual experience
I respect Gent alot, but man i hate watching clips of his with everything on a .5 second delay casue of the ping.
Apex isn’t a competitive game. It’s just dogshit players picking crutches that the Aut. Re. developing the game haven’t fixed. Which makes it FEEL competitive. That’s not even accounting for the fact that 50-70% of the playerbase use literal HandHeldHacks, supported, used, and coded by the Developers themselves. If you think half the players getting vertical recoil reduction, horizontal recoil reduction, aimpunch reduction, softaim, basically a positional lagswitch, and questionably bugging out audio due to how the game registers accelerated movement or not, as a game where people compete, it’s definitely not this one.
7:48 omg bro there’s no audio lmaooooo
Apex isn’t for the faints of hearts, as a solo ranked player(not by choice) you must have passion just to even play for a whole day. You must welcome the challenge.. it will not be easy.
I was no filling pubs with one of my friends a few days ago and we died to a team with an 82k Lifeline, 50k Octane and 20k Wraith. The three-stacking paired with the pathetic attempt for “matchmaking” is frankly killing a lot of the fun I would usually get from this game.
“You actually have to work in this game for it to lay off”
Thank god
But I mean casuals have the same reason pros do when sticking with apex, out of BR’s today, it has the best movement mechanics and the legend abilities are interesting in fights; as well as the skill level gap, like my friends are all cracked in COD but are bots in apex so it makes them want to grind and get better. It’s a fun game to grind but at the same time the community itself is way too stressful, too many cheaters, smurfs for content, smurfs to get a break from sweaty lobbies which makes new players not want to keep playing bc shitters are so tired of getting shit on in their usual lobbies that they ruin the game for newer or low level players and grief ‘em in pubs. I agree with him saying to try out different games tho but not for the sole purpose of playing something else instead of apex, more of like.. a mental health break. apex can be draining, specially when you get shit randos.
That was the most explanative way of saying “get good or play a different game”
Remember when you could box the last team? Can’t do that anymore, even in pubs. People are so sweaty for 1 more kill and 1 more win, it’s pretty sad what peoples lives have become with this game.