【視聴数 820868】
【チャンネル名 Zylbrad】
【タグ apex legends,zylbrad,funny,bloodhound,prestige,skins,heirloom,best,moments,4k,damage badge,items,legendary,skin,gameplay,satire,parody,new,season】
ApexLegends攻略youtube動画まとめサイト 人気のFPSゲームApexLegendsが大好きな方の為のサイトです。ApexLegendsの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のApexLegends動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 820868】
【チャンネル名 Zylbrad】
【タグ apex legends,zylbrad,funny,bloodhound,prestige,skins,heirloom,best,moments,4k,damage badge,items,legendary,skin,gameplay,satire,parody,new,season】
Brad plays games other than apex…. impossible
Max is back , brad is back, toddy is back, rocky is back , I’m so glad this fucking channel is back 😭😭😭
Just curious do you live w/Alyssa?
You have to do 30,000 and 100,000
Zyl: You’re ready Max?
Max: No. I’m actually dead…
Hey Zyli I’ve been trying to get my 2k damage badge for 2 years now and I just can’t could you maybe help me i know that video where you helped Max. I’d really appreciate if we played together and you maybe helped me get that badge ☺️ pls
Buy, Hold, DRS
zylbrad: we’ve got a perfect flank on them max, do you know what a flank is ?
max: like a steak?
Hi love your vids
Max is back let’s focking goooo
4:58 brad. that is mf adorable.
That bloodhound mustve been so pissed when you killed him but then saw the 4k and just went: “ahhhhhhhhhh”
That bloodhound contemplating deleting the game lmalo
zoilbarrd gaymung ket
So glad to finally hear Brad say “DOME, MAX, DOME”
Hi i am bored
4:58 speaking of elder ring why not upload a video about it👀
good video tho