【視聴数 262390】
【チャンネル名 The Gaming Merchant】
【タグ Apex Legends,Apex,Play Apex,apex legends season 13,APEX LEGENDS GAMEPLAY,MEPLAY,APEX GAMEPLAY,TGM,tgm apex legends,apex legends tgm】
ApexLegends攻略youtube動画まとめサイト 人気のFPSゲームApexLegendsが大好きな方の為のサイトです。ApexLegendsの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のApexLegends動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 262390】
【チャンネル名 The Gaming Merchant】
【タグ Apex Legends,Apex,Play Apex,apex legends season 13,APEX LEGENDS GAMEPLAY,MEPLAY,APEX GAMEPLAY,TGM,tgm apex legends,apex legends tgm】
All I want is a valk nerf but now we get big jump betty with a cannon…..meh
I am so happy for the new weapon changes. Really looking forward to the Skull Piercer and Knock Down self revive removal.
But I thought we’re all going on strike when the new season comes out?
Deep pocket should just a be a lifeline passive
Skull piercer on the longbow agian, that’s will need a nerd
Why would smgs need better hip fire…
If anything the rampage and pistols would make sense but why.
Every time I’ve used the spitfire it misses every hip shot or the first few billets don’t register so I stopped using it seasons ago.
So can I put a sniper scope on my pistol
When you prestige do you lose everything? Would be kind of pointless to buy the BP if you lose it all
This is not going to change the viability of the wingman at all I always have enough sniper ammo to last most of the match when I run charge rifle and crafter is a valid way of getting ammo if your down to just a mag or 2. So overall wingman still bae and it always will be because it is a menace but only in the right hands. Keeping the wingman in the crafter might be the only way to nerf the wingman
Looks like apex is going in a good direction!
if they make it so i can actually play the game on my xbox series x, it freezes then turns off my xbox a few minutes after landing, EVERY game without fail
Is it that the engine isn’t built for crossplay, or that EA are a greedy company?
Notice how in the entirety of this update arenas was not mentioned once, this is because arenas was a horrible add. remove arenas for a better mode
Spitfire as a light weapon is actually cursed
Wait you can get a free heirloom
Imma miss the self res 🙁
I enjoy everything but the spitfire becoming light ammo hurts me since it gives them no incentive to make a light ammo light machine gun that could have been like a cool mini gun or something.
Sorry what? “Pve Apex game coming”
The meta changes are the only new change if you really think about it…. No no weapon, no new locations (technically, especially if your an og) and no the battle pass skins. Kinda trash except for maybe the caustic skin, but the rest are just blue their trash. Disappointed once again. There walking a fine line
“They don’t want to push out weapons because they care about the balance/health of the game!” That’s a bold faced lie. Imagine claiming you care about the “health and balance” when your core game has been so broken for years that something as simple as footstep sounds aren’t even reliable. Not to mention server instability and crashing, especially lately. And the most obvious factor that they simply want to bleed every content release dry before moving onto the next one.
There’s no concern for the health or balance, it’s just wanting to do as little work as possible while still slapping the exact same pricetag on every season. “Oh we want there to be a space for the things we add” yeah? There’s not “space” for new guns? That’s why to this day it’s not even remotely uncommon to drop and not get hardly any gun at all for a very long time? Because your loot pool is just so comprehensive that it covers every need someone could want, huh?
“Oh we don’t wanna mess with the meta too much!” Oh yeah cause people really love the hard third party, 12 seasons straight of Gibby-centric meta. We wouldn’t wanna make Gibby Spitfire players ever feel pushed out of the meta. God forbid we actually push people towards skill-centric characters and weapons and playstyles, better make sure we just stick to forcing everyone to prioritize ratting and poke battles all the time, such a cool meta.
I really wish they’d quit bullshitting us and just tell us the truth “EA refuses to put resources towards anything that can’t be immediately turned into a microtransaction”. Why make guns or legends or gamemodes when you can just keep recycling the same old event modes you already made and slap a $160+ block of skins on it and call it “content”? I’m sure the main basis for this is the poor reception to a lot of content lately, ignoring the fact that the main reason all this content was so poorly received was because they didn’t bother to listen to feedback and set themselves up for failure from the beginning, but sure, point to your self-fulfilling prophecy as reason to slowly kill the game I guess.