【視聴数 80400】
【チャンネル名 kandyrew】
【タグ yt:quality=high,apex legends,apex legends gaiden event,apex legends news,apex legends leaks,apex legends event,apex legends gaiden event skins,apex legends anime event,apex legends gaiden,apex,gaiden event apex legends,apex gaiden event,apex legends gaiden thematic event,apex legends new event,gaiden event apex,apex legends trailer,apex legends new gaiden event,apex legends newcastle,apex legends anime,gaiden apex】
Did this man just call Watson goku
You can tell this guy doesn’t watch anime
Mirage looked like Deku from My Hero Academia.
NGL i though the Mirage skin was Yu-Yu Hakasho cause he was doing the finger gun thin in the banner pose.
Bro i like you alot but why you gotta skip bloodhound,since he is kaneki from tokyo ghoul
I’m lost it started off as a rasangan then a chidori into a kamehameha?
mirage “My Hero Academia” Deku
the mirage skin is from my hero academia correct me please. looking from the hood that has bunny ear on it.
Long time kandy hope you are keeping good.
Finallllllly we get some trackers for my boy Octane, SO glad, I didnt play Apex when they had the last ones in an event, It’s about time
11:34 Greed is the word you were looking for…
Wackyjacky101 had to spend $1700 for a gun skin in PUBG. Don’t feel too bad haha
mirage is deku i think
Kandy for the mirage concept is from My Hero Academia!
Why not a Gib bu???
Why??? I know you are big time creator and make lots money but we all know they are overpricing the hell outta those skins. 160$ for a skin and every time you guys buy that shit it just justifies to EA that they can keep raping their consumer base.. “well Kandy bought it so” the truth of the matter is 90% of the customer base will never will never be able to afford that.. but hey 10% x my customer base at 160$ a pop.. in EA’s mind is still amazing. I still love you man, I just wish as big creators like yourself would look out for the little guys by using your platform to speak on some of EA’s shitty business practices. Maybe you do and I don’t see it, so forgive me if I do. But as you unboxed that 160 skin.. just remember the vast majority of your subscribers will never ever have that skin and honestly thats just sad 😢🥺😭
Damn that looks terrible. Respawn out here money starving bro.
this man thought Watson was goku lol 👁👄👁
Wattson is a Naruto Reference.
Mirage is a Deku Reference and his pose is one of Deku attacks.
Revenant is a Mecha Reference.