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【チャンネル名 ProGuides Apex Legends】
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ult just needs to give the halloween event zombie movement and tactical needs to be deleted and changed tbh
I think it would be cool if when rev uses his totem he becomes immortal for a short period of time the goes back to his totem. Don’t know how good or bad that would be but it sounds cool.
His ultimate needs to be silent again he’s supposed to be an assassin no assassin is that loud
Wall run should be wraith. Its funny when she can interact with a zip while you can close a door on her and shes lock inside 🤣
give us wall running!
To me Rev is fine the way he is. I use his ult for offense and defense. In a stick situation totem up move around reposition. I did this and won a rank game. We was stuck in between to 2 teams popped totem ran outside the ring for a bit got to a hill and rained down hell fire. Also I feel like if people played him more defensive and less aggressive then maybe his pick would rise. That’s what happens when I first play with Rev the first couple games is me being really aggressive then when I which to being more defensive then I last longer and I help my team easier
Change his ult
Maybe take away the effect and noise that alerts the whole lobby to his location when he puts down his totem like the old days why fix something that wasn’t broken only to break it
His silence should have three charges, his totem should turn you into the shadow royale shadows and you should be able to wall run without using abilities and heals
Don’t let him wall run, give that to Jack Cooper when he comes in (still hoping)
I think he should be able to go back to his totem at any time and second it should last maybe 1 or 2 seconds longer
bro how do they nerf octanes jump pad but doesn’t nerf pathfinders zip line cause i swear that ult is completely silent
Tbh revenant is a different type of legend he focuses on making fight just gun fights. Rev mains just use their good aim and stop others from using niche abilities to escape the fight
I think all revenant teammates that take the death totem get the stalker passive while they have death protection
I feel like rev’s tactical is really underwhelming because of how unreliable it is to throw , I think people miss with his tactical more than they miss with nades
If he were to be reworked, I’d love to see them expand upon him being an assassin. For example, if you can sneak up on people, you can do increased melee damage when you melee them in the back. It wouldn’t be a whole lot more damage, but I feel like it would incentivize actually using his “stalker” passive to sneak around to get the upper hand.
Revenant is only one legend with basicly no tactical ability, if i see my teammate picks revenant especially at arenas i am basicly rage quited at same second.
I love the character, he’s been a favorite of mine since he released. Especially with the newest skin they gave him its amazing
Maybe Give his shadow mode wall run ability 🤔 or maybe in crouch mode you could be a bit more faster. Or maybe give him a ability to stay on the wall like a fly on the wall 🤔
I don’t think he needs a rework but it would be nice to cancel the ultimate manually just in case you enter the death totem to late or to early