Nature’s Most Aggressive Bulls | The True Beasts Among the Most Dangerous Bovines

Nature’s Most Aggressive Bulls | The True Beasts Among the Most Dangerous Bovines

【視聴数 4480】

【チャンネル名 AnyAni】

【タグ animals,wildlife,AnyAni,nature,Spanish Fighting Bull,Toro Bravo,Miura Bull,Toro de Miura,Cape Buffalo,Gaur,American Bison,Ankole-Watusi,Chianina,Limousin Bulls,Charolais Bulls,Vietnamese Fighting Bulls,Domestic Water Buffalo,Brahman Bulls,Kangayam Bulls,aggressive bullss,most aggressive bulls,dangerous bulls,dangerous bovines,dangerous animals,dangerous bison,dangerous buffalo,dangerous gaur,dangerous bovine,aggressive bovines,aggressive gaur】
