【視聴数 4650】
【チャンネル名 Zibno】
【タグ Zibno,Apex legends mobile,apex,mobile,news,gaming news】
ApexLegends攻略youtube動画まとめサイト 人気のFPSゲームApexLegendsが大好きな方の為のサイトです。ApexLegendsの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のApexLegends動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 4650】
【チャンネル名 Zibno】
【タグ Zibno,Apex legends mobile,apex,mobile,news,gaming news】
Well i think im first
I miss Apex mobile 😢
I somehow missed how you played apex before
I would loved if apex mobile came back that nostalgia was the best
Good old memories 🥺🥺
Even if it comes back, i won’t be playing. I’ll stick to high energy heroes, considering they didn’t liquidate my $1000’s worth of purchases. Fuck respawn, they’re thieves that screwed over their employees and customers. They even let people purchase items knowing they’d lose everything days later
My expectations for this game returning is so low right now
Well apex suffering with their pc and console. I don’t think they’ll ever get mobile
Okay i guess this really was the only game i used to play before 2022/The year i started playing roblox and codm
Sorry for being late 😢
I think ea is making respown to make a new titenfall game as Apex is not doing very good. And ea gets money or shuts down studios.
Ea is going out of bis how can yall not see that apex is straight up hated rn by a huge amount of the community due to there monetization hacking and server issues hacking is the main issue tf makes Yall think they dropping a mobile game when there main game can’t even hold its players cause ea is brain dead the mobile version of apex is never coming back and if it does it will be because pc and console versions were shut down and the mobile version would just be through out to try and recoup there losses and then they would shut it down again the mobile version was never meant to stay it was literally a cash grab cause ea is hurting there to main titles battle field and apex are on deaths door the only there sports titles are falling off hard to the the players not wanting to spend 100$ on a character that will be gone the next game they even don’t do official licensing on the sports titles no more it generic made up brands and crap EA is sinking no joke this company will go out of business and the only way you get apex mobile is if they decide that want to milk the mobile players for there money to recoup they losses so be my guest be a funny support this company the god father of micro transactions EA skate 4 I know I’m hyped been hyped played the hell out of skate 3 I’m worried though I know damn well they will figure out how to cram it with micro transactions it’s EA. The company that calls you a bad person cause you don’t spend money on there game or don’t like there game yes the ceo called his on consumers stupid and dumb cause they don’t like there games or live service models come on people how many time you going to let a company pry your mouth open squat over it drop a steamy turd right in you mouth then proceed to turn around close your mouth and tell you that you like it and you just jump up and down all giddy like a school girl seriously that’s what I see they shit on you and you are happy about it bunch of idiots
What about our account 😭
Apex is way better than COD
Can y’all YouTubers stop making vids saying same thing
I miss Apex legends 😢 but now I’ll play High energy heroes now similar of apex legends, i’ll reach Diamond IV in ‘Cn Server’ y’all can team up with me, then form team clan here my ID: 1290724434
Apex is been here for so long there is no update that will satisfy the players
Nah, as the video said, poured a good amount of money into the game, and once again reminded none of it really matters when either publisher / developer pulls the plug. Fool me once shame on me, there’s not going to be another ever again.
I think they might bring mobile back cus right now apex PC is slowly dying so that might revive apex legends if they bring the mobile version and another this that’s happening is that fade is coming to PC that might be a hint that they might bring mobile version soon