【視聴数 23657】
【チャンネル名 TimProVision】
【タグ TimProVision,apex,apex legends,apex legends tier list,apex legends season 13,apex legends season 13 tier list,apex legends best abilities,apex legends best legends,apex best abilities,apex legends best,apex legends ranking all abilities,apex best legends,apex legends best passive,apex legends best tactical,apex legends best ultimate,the best ability in apex legends,apex legends tier list season 13,best legend season 13 apex,apex legends season 13 best legends】
If you change weapons after throwing Loba’s bracelet it cancels it.
Caustic’s ult can also be countered by rampart walls if you angle them correctly, in addition to the gibby bubble.
I personali think that Pathfinder shuld hawe 2 grapls
Seers entire kit is extremely strong but doesn’t need a nerf, after the season 10 seer nerf, people said he was unplayable or average, now all of a sudden he’s op and needs nerf according to the pros
Seer is perfectly balanced where he is, his kit is made for permanent wallhacks and you just gotta accept it atp
Ain’t no way he just said having 2 lives is in c tier. IT GUARANTEES A WIN IN A 1 VS 1 SITUATION
Warlord ire with hemi is easy 3 sec scan an because it’s a burst weapon that’s a lot of up time to her scan instead of having those guns that melt an op in a sec or empty the mag quick. And if you can keep a op bouncing between cover and out of cover with a combo with her drill you can in theory have 39 secs worth of scans which is insane.
is the sposor on pst
Loba’s Tactical needs buffs. Give it a shorter charge time when thrown a short distance like pathfinder has. Her tactical also needs more height and possibly more range.
Always. Stick. Knuckleclusters. Also run shotgun as secondary to free up space for nades. 16 shotgun vs 200 heavy goes a long way
My biggest issue with Revs passive is that it makes him unable to do some key movement techs like wall bouncing and bunny hopping
I think wraiths portal distance should be based on which map she’s on. Her portal is based off of the smallest map in the game which makes it hard to use on all of the much larger maps
Is caustic getting a nerf because tbh I feel like he’s perfect rn and I hope they don’t make him horrible again
I know this isn’t the right place, but I need to know if this was a player or not.
My pal and I were doing duos and a Valk approached us with no gun, squatting repeatedly and my friend says “I think she wants peace” so she proceeds to drop us tons of loot and shield batteries, then crafted us a ton of stuff. She stayed with us the entire match, never equipping a gun until another player killed her.
Was this a human player or a bot? Has anyone else run into this?
Rev really needs a buff to pathfinder or wraith ults so he can get better totem value or just a rework all together for his ult
Mirage’s ult might just be the best 1v1 ability in the game, don’t let all these “mirage is trash” takes fool yall. Against bad players it’s literally free kills, and against good players it’s a split second of confusion and let’s you get the jump on them before they have a chance to aim. It’s also great for escaping and resetting mid-fight
This has me wondering what the ultimate ability combo would be if you mix and matched these into one legend.
Would it be better to be super versatile in all situations?
Or extremely overpowered at one aspect of Apex, be it movement, scanning, defending, damaging, etc?
I would say mirages revives at at least B tier, it’s really useful for reviving out in the open, especially at distance
What’s the best overall legend? Asking this question 😄 bcuz I’m new to Apex legends.
I main Mirage and I don’t know if you’d agree but I think it be pretty nice if Mirage could carry and/or send out 2 or 3 clones with his tactical.
So… you put an ability that allows scanning of beacons, instant respawns for teammates, and more safe options to obtain a banner lower on the list than just instantly recharging a 90 sec ultimate?