【視聴数 88952】
【チャンネル名 TimProVision】
【タグ apex,apex legends,ranking the legends in apex legends,apex legends season 14 legends ranking,apex legends legends ranking,apex legends ranking all legends season 14,apex legends ranking all legends,apex legends season 14 tier list,apex legends tier list season 14,best legend apex legends season 14,best legend season 14 apex legends,best legend apex legends,apex season 14 tier list,season 14 tier list,ranking the legends in apex,apex legends season 14 best legends】
I think NC will take gibby. This will especially happen as Maggie transitions into the meta (seer-maggie combo is still viable).
Long term, it might be a sort of cycle. If gibby is played, Maggie will show up to counter. If he is stopped playing, people will start to stop playing Maggie. The cycle continues… whereas NC will basically do the opposite of Gibby’s rotation.
bang still a tier
I think that vantage is S tier the information she gets with her passive is amazing, her tacticals cooldown is incredibly low so she just flys around the map and ultimate is just a third gun and a great sniper
This is the hottest take for a tier list that I’ve ever seen. Wraith at S huh?
Tracer rounds with a evening map would be lit in apex imo
Revent def a A teir
I think Newcastle might overtake Gibby in terms of support. Still can’t put Gibby out of S tier though he is still too good. Yes Maggie can counter Gibby on paper but Gibby is still one of the best.
New castle is higher than Vantage??? 🤦 🤦boy you are on hard copium. You will see his pick rate hit rock bottom soon and he won’t be picked on competitive 🤦🤦🤦
Who is better I want to buy vantage or caustic
Even before the wrecking balls buff Maggie was a good legend. It was just that I personally used it to cause chaos in a building of to use it as a mobility ult
Nice new vid, keep making this stuff!
2:47 That Octane got seriously bamboozled.
I started playing at the start of Season 13. I main Caustic and Crypto with my teammates on mostly madmaggie (even last season) and wraith.
For once a quite well balanced meta/game. Also rip Revenant
Vantage is not better than D tier. Passive is cool, but usually you don’t need it to tell everything about the enemy team, tactical is just so slow, pathfinders grapple is way faster and there isn’t much scenarios where the bird would be more useful, I do like her ultimate, it deffinetly comes in clutch sometimes but there are better ultimates out there
Are Olympus and worlds edge both out of the game this season
I think bangalore should just have smokes that mess up scans in the area almost like how fighter jets have flares that keep them safe from heat seeking missiles. Maybe it would update her location every 2.5 seconds so you could kind of see where she was which might be nice if it were to be to overpowered. It could get a name change but it would be easily explained and would make her much mrore vialable and change up the meta a lot. You can still see through it with digital threats. Seer can still cancel her revives halfway through and you can hear her reviving so their is not a massive need to see her when reviving. Revenant can cancel her abilities all together which would boost his pick rate a bit because then teams would run seer, revenant, and whoever. If respawn wants to make more people run a specific survey legends than they can always make it so they can see through it. I am not an expert in game design and coding but it seems to me that this would be easy for respawn to implement if they think it would work. This is no new idea but I think right now it would be a nice change. For people just starting the game, it would give them a very viable character to run that still doesn’t contribute to the annoyance of scanning legends.
Appreciate the video Tim! I pulled my first heirloom shards with my first pack this season and have been waiting to see how Valk is, have only played a few games but wanted to make sure she’s still worth getting that heirloom for and that the nerfs haven’t made her too bad. Looks like she’s still a great pick!
Still dont get why they havent given mirage a second charge by now. Probably wouldnt make him THAT much better but it’d be something
Buff Ideas:
Rev: increase ult time by 33%, when your shadow dies it leaves behind a 3 second black smoke the size of 1/3 bang smoke that if you are in you’re silenced like his tactical.
Lifeline: give res shield but only as tall as the bottom of a rampart wall and 50% bigger to round the comers a bit on each side, make the shield health correlate to knockdown shield health but give lifeline the knockdown shield passive like newcastle but add the extra 50 to purple and gold aswell to promote the idea shes a better healer. her ult should be 2 sized rng and 1 side a 1-2 minute crafter where you can choose one healing item you want and can still craft aferwards, and reduced sound when dropping.
Mirage: 2 decoy charges, the first being on the 15 sec cooldown but the second only having 10. and if mireage is going to have that icon when his decoy is shot just commit and make it a 1 second square scan(like seers). make mirage res faster if he cant see an enemy in his LOS or radial area, a little mirage pep talk to get you back into the fight.
Bang: first half of smoke time you cant be scanned, after half the time has passed, it “dissipates” making you be scannable but still providing visual cover. make the ult drop faster and blow up a bit faster.
Wattson: she can connect her pilons to legend walls and placables, gaining their health if connected but being destroyed if the connected placable is destroyed. make the ult heal enemies at half the rate.
Crypto: make him able to move hack up to 40 meters like vantage with echo and increase the distance at which hack can scan you by a little so hack isnt in the enemies face and gets destroyed a little less often.
Ash: charge tactical to travel 2-3x as fast and deal an extra 10 shield and 5 health.
Loba: ult can grab 1 teammates banner instead of 2 items. other teammates still get normal items and arent locked out themselves. either just loba gets this or its part of the ult cant decide yet.
Fuse: ult should fire faster and fire shoudl fall faster, additionally the fire walls should be taller.
Rampart: half passive amount for AR’s just cuz theres only 1 lmg on the floor rn.
Pathfinder: new passive, if either him or his allies scan a beacon he gets the 10% ult reduction like normal but get a permanent 1 second cooldown reduction on his tactical, either only stacking to 2 or 3 times. and 100% ult zipline should be further and make you go faster than a normal zipline.
Listen rev is at least b😂😂 ur just bad with him