【視聴数 32134】
【チャンネル名 The Gaming Merchant】
【タグ Apex Legends,Apex,Play Apex】
ApexLegends攻略youtube動画まとめサイト 人気のFPSゲームApexLegendsが大好きな方の為のサイトです。ApexLegendsの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のApexLegends動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 32134】
【チャンネル名 The Gaming Merchant】
【タグ Apex Legends,Apex,Play Apex】
does anybody have advice for non movement legends?
Bro I haven’t even gotten a 2K, highest I’ve gotten is 1,983 damage. I know it sucks.
I got my first 4k in ranked in gold lobbies for this season. For some reason I was getting easier lobbies and I dropped in a highly contested area, a lot of things played out well for me, but a key thing is resetting after fights quickly and constantly looking around. Utilising cover and not over exposing yourself is really key. Ask yourself when you are fighting someone, who is more exposed? Me? Or them? Am I open 360° or do I have cover to one side? This is what helped me get my 4k
Should have rotated into the ring, they can heal and you can farm
You also got really lucky, two teams who don’t want to push each other because of you, storm is also keeping them stuck, and you are holding a major vantage point with angles.
I’m currently going for at least 2k on every character and it’s actually going quick. I’m down to Gibby, Loba and NewCastle. I’ve gotten a couple 3.9k badges as well. But playing with randoms def makes it harder lol
Gaming merchant: hits 117 on peacekeeper.
Me: hits -3
Want high dmg use the charge rifle. No thanks needed I do take bribes though
The farming merchant
I can’t even get 2k fml
I got 3.9 on mirage yesterday because I didn’t look at the damage counter
Started the fight with 1.7
Honestly it mostly comes down to luck. In most games the 20k for example is impossible because you don’t even see that many people. The 4k is oftenly not possible because people push you so you have to kill them and get 400 damage per person max
My problem is I don’t damage farm I just play super aggressive and either die or kill everyone because I’m an adhd octane main that goes from one squad to another
I really wish tips like this worked as well on console as that’s all I can afford to play on lmao
I have a habit of getting 2k damage pretty frequently.
The only time I got a 4k badge I also got 22 kills, I had no teammates after 4 minutes, and the lobby was straight bots. And also not on my main D:
Lol I have a 3864 on my main because I was trying to farm the last team and my teammates just went in and nuked them.
Seems like the best way to get one is if you can solo and the lobby is easy.
Dang man, still though great gameplay and useful tips. Ty sir.
I would have already been pushed/3rd partied by three squads in the first fight lol
Hey gaming merchant I’m sorry about the giveaway thing I hope u can forgive me
Not trying to put you down TGM but my lobbies never look like yours no matter what. At 1:38 when you fight the valk..if i missed that many shots i wouldve been dead so fast. I have barely over 1.3 kd but i feel like i die to 3-5 kd players all the time. I never play pubs cuz its hilarious how broken sbmm is, everytime i queue into pubs more than half the lobby is masters the previous season.