【視聴数 36629】
【チャンネル名 MangosInTrees】
【タグ apex legends coach,apex legends controller,controller guide apex,apex controller tips,10 tips for controller apex legends,10 tips on controller apex legends,apex legends controller tips,how to play controller on apex legends,controller settings apex legends,best controller settings for apex legends,best controller player apex legends,best controller setting apex,mangos in trees apex legends,mangoes in trees apex,mangoes apex,apex legends controller guide】
I disagre with buton puncher i recomend evolved its the same thing but it changes jump and ability too i have used all and if u play controler normaly no claw or padles that to me us the best i personaly play custom and customized to my likings
do you stream gameplay?
Crouch: r3
jump :l3
ping: square/X
Melee: square/B
Honestly I prefer classic sensitivity settings as they’re just easier but I use alc because I can fine tune the deadzone as per my controller. I also have a classic-alc conversion chart which is pretty accurate so yeah
A small tip of my own for console players i would recommend practicing mid and long range distance fights as well because as we all know everyone has aim assist on console so if you wanna become better then your opponent practice at least mid range fights because then you will have advantage against other console players
For wall jumping, u don’t have to worry about timing. If u spam jump, that works as well
Have you tried Linear? If so, what are your personal Cons with Linear that keep it from being your go-to over Classic.
I didn’t enjoy this game until I took my thought processes around it more seriously. First few seasons I was really, really bad. Like 60 dmg per game and a kdr of o.14. Then things finically clicked. This season I average 500 dmg and have a kdr of 1.24. With 17k games played I have achieved the 2k badge a few times and have the 2500 badge. Now, I’m still trash, but my question is: have I actually improved or just found better ways not to die and how to get cheaper kills.
I actually needed this, i don’t have any paddles or play claw and I just switched crouch to hold, i couldn’t wall jump or do any movement techniques anymore, but my friend on claw told me to keep it. Now I’ll 100% switch it back so I can wall jump again!
Anyone else play clawed in their right hand only ?
Button puncher has always been garbage to me pressing the right stick in that many times will cause stick drift 😐
3 words, get Control Freaks
i have 4-4 linear cause my controller is old as hell but i’ve found it works so well for me. alc controls had my controller moving around the screen so much lol
Help!! can’t get rid of the micro jitter. Hip-fire or ADS I’m all over the place a lot when I’m trying to get those last little fine adjustments! the reticle is all over the outside of enemy’s hit-box. I’ve tried every ALC setting highest to lowest. For months now. Specifically the ADS YAW And now I went and bought a new PS5 controller and it’s still doing it,and it’s killing me. LITERALLY! CQC is a nightmare. Im losing gunfights because of it. Thank yoo🥭🥭🥭🌳🌳🌳
The only time i outplayed someone by walljumping, I got got killed soon afterwards
Hey mango. Let’s squad up. Username is Cuzzohh
like your lessons. it helped me to improve a lot. 😊
You said you use 4-4. But what about sensitivities for the different optics?
@7:24 Most people don’t know ALC or how it all works, so they end up with worse settings than a premade