【視聴数 68485】
【チャンネル名 ApexST】
【タグ Apex Legends,Apex,Legends,apex legends highlights,tsm,tsm imperialhal,imperialhal,apex tournament,twitch rivals,twitchcon,2022,aceu,prize pool,big event】
ApexLegends攻略youtube動画まとめサイト 人気のFPSゲームApexLegendsが大好きな方の為のサイトです。ApexLegendsの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のApexLegends動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 68485】
【チャンネル名 ApexST】
【タグ Apex Legends,Apex,Legends,apex legends highlights,tsm,tsm imperialhal,imperialhal,apex tournament,twitch rivals,twitchcon,2022,aceu,prize pool,big event】
Then next game they killed aceus team , dropped 24 kills, won the game and won the tournament
Sweet and hal is just unfair bro
Bro why watch the 1st 2 mins why not just skip to the action. If your watching this skip to 2:04 YW.
ACEU the real CEO
50 fps??? did they give them the pcs for league of legends? .i get 60 without GPU. (stretched but still) .
70 fps avg holy shit those potatos lmao
hal sounds so different from that mic
How is his input constantly changing from controller to pc? Is this dude using an exploit to get aim assist as an pc player?
CEO and Sweet complimenting each other in subtle ways is wild. The entire scene would be in danger if they teamed up and had reps alongside them
I’m gunna say it, I love Aceu and he IS THE BEST apex player. Better than hal and timmy , he’s to emotional! He let’s his emotion keep him from tournaments and won’t play with a valk because of pride.
why is their FPS so shit?
Hal looks like he’s playing on controller out of spite. He normally has way better aim. I guess it makes sense cause he’s the entry fragger but his aim was looking rough
What are they playing on? Ps4s? That FPS is rough
What dog shit PCs were these guys forced to play on???
those pcs are worse than my 2 year old laptop that I spent 900$ on
cry baby always crying.
I can smell some hidden love between sweet and hal Gayge
twitch staff found some Artesian Builds PCs in some corner fr
Is this event ended yet?
Everyone complaining about the framerate while I’m sitting here watching in 360p, 30 FPS on the web version of Youtube cuz who gives af lol.
The result is I watched this and just enjoyed it while people who *need* to set everything to the highest possible quality can’t fully focus on enjoying it because there’s “only” 50 FPS.
It’s ironic. All of these visual advances over the years are supposed to make us enjoy watching and playing the games more, not less.