【視聴数 71737】
【チャンネル名 Extesyy】
【タグ Console Movement,Controller movement,Apex movement,20 bomb apex,ApexController,Controller movement guide,Controller Movement God,Best controller movement,tap-strafe controller,Controller tap strafes,tap-strafing controller guide,BEST ALC APEX,BEST APEX SETTINGS,BEST settings apex,Best settings for movement apex,Best controller settings apex,Best season 9 settings,best season 10 settings,best apex settings,Extesyy,Exastyy,Extessy】
Girlfriends are like wraiths. You never know when they leave and 99.9% of them will piss you off.
can you share your controller keybind?
Doesn’t pandxrz just use 4-4 linear now?
so is it 4-3 linear no deadzone? I know pan just recently switched to it
My girl is a gamer so btw i can play games when ever i like
Need a movement guide explaining how to get more movement speed. Coming from you id imagine itd be extremely helpful.
i just saw your name on the kill feed “CEO of arthritis” i lold so hard, also what controller is this?
6:56 was just childish and disgusting
Thought pandzr played alcs, when did he switch to 4-3? Cracked gameplay as always
HEY EXTESSY IS THERE A WAY WHERE Ican send you one of my gameplay and yo tell what I did wrong if I did anything wrong
Extesyy never misses, only banger videos
6:38 Not the smartest play on the door vs a PK but it ended up working out in the end. You’re the best controller player I’ve seen so far, keep up the beaming.
whats the sens?
I was watching in 1.25x like how tf bro moving like that 😂
How the hell are u playing linear with no deadzone and zero stickdrift like bro how
Fatherless weirdo detected that’s messed up man
How do you/does he make these thumbnails?
I think he devoted his life on apex to get mega movement:/
I would beam people like that if I wasn’t playing 200ms with 60 fps 😭