【視聴数 27256】
【チャンネル名 JMeyels】
【タグ apex,apex legends,apex news,apex update,apex giveaway,apex heirloom,apex free coins,free apex coins,multiplayer shooter,battle royale,apex battle royale,jmeyels,gamingmerchant,apex hacks,apex aimbot,apex wallhacks,free apex heirloom,apex legends news,apex legends update,apex update news,algs,apex algs,apex dead,apex bugs,apex patch,apex patch notes,apex legends patch,apex new patch notes,apex patch update,apex season 14,apex console fix】
Yo J, thank you for making these videos, sometimes it feels like us console players have no voice, you making these videos and problems known, because when we report the bugs I feel like our voices aren’t heard, our they don’t care. This input lag has been plaguing the game on PS since I could remember and even the server issues. So thank you, keep it up 🤙
If it was any other games players would’ve left long time ago and I’m not sure what makes the players come back is it because it free game or they spend god knows how much money they spent on it but Apex must’ve have a angel looking over it shoulder or luck because how in the hell every time Apex having not great season like this season the bugs or like season 11 there was nothing and there’s no new free to play game drop that push players away from Apex to that new game and players sticking with that game one of these days that luck is gonna run out
Im glad im not spending another cent on this game til they sort their crap out
Well said. Feel the same. Sad truth is as long as people keep spending money and EA is in charge, it’ll never get better. Just listen to what EA’s past CEO said about how they approach game development. It’s never been about making good games, it’s only about the💰💵.
Water park, I love that part. So true
I play both PC and switch and I have the same bug where I get kick for no reason and get to the loading page and then I have to reload. And that I thought was just my switch and then I having the same bug on my PC and a lot of my friends have this bug too. Make it so hard to play rank when it just kick me. I have a lot on my switch and thinking it my console to find out it a bug in the game. Can you tell me if there any new about fixing this dam bug
Talk that talk
Your speaking straight facts and what’s even worse is that apex is just dead to me (the game isn’t dead I’m not that stupid) and I’m now just playing other games like never thought this would happen but here we are 😔
Like, I don’t get why we blame devs when they are just workers following orders from the businessman who runs the game; they don’t care about you, not the game. They don’t want to make it more appealing to the customer but to sell merch and drain every cent out of your pocket
with this new rank change i really wish they added global chat in game for its easier to find people online than to relay on community discord or websites buuut i think they should fix the bugs
I have not played apex in 1 month i think i played last spilt last i dont how much time its been since last split i am playing other games now
Im a day one player and madddd supported this game in its beginning and still think the gameplay, movement and ballistics are tip top but i stopped buying anything from them after all the ltms stopped coming out and the skins i paid for that were supposed to be limited edition went back on sale with a diff color and now the infestation of bugs. If money is all they care about then this is the only way to show them. Just stop buying packs and skins and battle passes. EA needs to put the money back into the game and stop making tv shows and t shirts.
I’ve left Apex, I’m legit getting worn out of playing pubs and the constant bugs have left me thinking that I should just go play something more fun and I am now, I’ve been loving fortnite lately and it feels great to play so I’m gonna wait and see what happens next on Apex but I ain’t playing it for a good few seasons. Goodbye Apex for now…
Don’t feel guilty about having enough integrity to be honest rather than faking a situation for views and likes
People’s gotta realize if you play everyday for hours it won’t always be fun, yes the game being buggy will make it worse but people would still get bored or tired of playing because they just play too much, no matter how much you love something it you will get tired of it, but yeah they need to calm the bugs down some
And whatever happened to the 120fps next gen update for console?. I specifically upgraded my monitor when it was announced,Now it just sits in the corner of my room while i play on my 4k tv 😕🙁☹️😢
is it only me who doesnt like the fact that they’re adding prestige skins to legends who has heirlooms already before giving everyone in the cast their own heirloom?
Nothing wrong with bringing back old modes, we shouldn’t discourage them for bringing back old modes (personally I’d like solos to come back or if multiple old modes are in rotation) that being said please don’t bring back control next event, that would be the 4th time while there are better old modes out there
I sadly have not played much just been grinding in diablo but I am sad that the game is in the state it is right now.
When apex first came out it was like a drug I had to play everyday spent hours and hours on the game especially when my cousin and I were off my 8yr old my cousin nd I would get together squad up and play and play
Now we play 2 games and then we like meh let’s go to diablo and my son now just stick to fortnite, Cold War or just other games because the game is just trash right now.
Hope this game gets fun again cause my addiction to it has ended
Play a new game if you’re tired of apex. You have enough loyal fans to where if you lose a couple you’ll still be fine