【視聴数 27256】
【チャンネル名 JMeyels】
【タグ apex,apex legends,apex news,apex update,apex giveaway,apex heirloom,apex free coins,free apex coins,multiplayer shooter,battle royale,apex battle royale,jmeyels,gamingmerchant,apex hacks,apex aimbot,apex wallhacks,free apex heirloom,apex legends news,apex legends update,apex update news,algs,apex algs,apex dead,apex bugs,apex patch,apex patch notes,apex legends patch,apex new patch notes,apex patch update,apex season 14,apex console fix】
I’m feeling the same way. After 3 years of apex it’s just stale. Events are cash grabs, the mythic skins are a joke. The bugs are infinite as they continue to *respawn* every season. The lack of seriously new content is becoming more apparent an it’s killed my drive to play the game. Like skip armed an dang. Give us any game mode for the grand soiree. I’m done playing til season 14 atleast I think. I’ve prob spent $2500 on apex. But I’m not spending another dime til something changes
The being kicked into the firing range “””bug””” is a feature. If you miss all your shots, the game records your data and boots you to the range so you can improve.
3 things i get about this game
1.- If EA is really selling everything to disney (Hope it’s true. EA is really well known to just suck as much money and then shut down the studio or sell it) Hope things are better not just for us but for the devs.
2.- i still think that Respawn should just shut down the game for at least a couple hours so they can do a good maintanence to at least see where the problems are. A lot of game actually do this when they face a bug problem or glitches and stuff
3.- I love ur channel. One of the very few apex channels i actually watch. Maybe u should try do something else with the game. Just giving news (more bad than good lately) must be tiring. I know it mjst be hard specially if this channel in ur main income. But feeling tired and burnout is not good at all.
And imagine an anti cheat where the cheater is put on a 1v1 against another cheater! I would love to see those kind of fights!
People should get the highest value of apex coins like the $100 apex coins but for free if you have the coin glitch, because ive spent $100 and never received them after a year, it feels genuinely like us players were robbed for our money
This game is in bad shape that’s just what it is
As some one that has been supporting apex since it first launched I’m with you on this one something needs to change and fast because sooner or later the community is gonna decide enough is enough and that will really be the end for the game, this game has so much potential but it wasted and never reach due to corporate greed and neglect
I moved back to cod when the games broke on console for a second time this season between the frame drops at the beginning and the way it’s handling now they obviously don’t care
I started no apex August early.. so sick of awful servers, 0 cross progression, getting random game breaking bugs, getting randomly kicked from games blah blah blah..
honestly I’m sick of bitching about it cause I love the game but I’m done giving it attention / money until they start giving it attention / money.
Started playing elden ring… I am actually having legitimate fun lol
I got a no-reg on a firing range dummy.
Don’t apologize bro,there’s nothing but negative shit to talk about
wow a new event woohoooo $18 skins!
Cannot even play on my ps5 and I went on PC and servers were absolutely terrible 😑😅 literally started playing other games and have been at peace ✌️
Glad to see it was a PS outage. I uninstalled/reinstalled and took the day off lol. Weirdest error I’ve seen.
They won’t upgrade their server, They introduced a new symbol this season, I think it represents server lag, Its like adding a New symbol means introducing a new problem
Fr I haven’t touched apex after the algs because of the servers being so bad plus the new event ain’t even get me hyped thanks to the dataminers.
After well over 2000 hours played, disgusting ammount of money spent on atrociously priced cosmetics. I hvae pretty much left Apex and started playing other games. And it’s been so nice leaving the sweaty buggy cash cow Apex has turned into behind
I honestly think like I said last night on stream I feel like they are just milking money outta players with those “new events “ instead of fixing the servers or overhaul completely i feel like all I’ve been doing is lagging I can only play 3 or 4 games a day before lag spikes and crashes to main menu
Replicator bug still there. Nothing rlyy changed
I agree 100% with you , if there were real positive changes going on in the game i’m sure you would have mentioned it like you already do in those rare occasions fixes happens or other stuff. but sadly the negatives of apex always outweighs the good we have and you were just speaking the truth. And i also fear that it will only get worse from now on. The audio for example is in its worst state ever, servers are still bad, bugs everywhere, gameplay and community toxicity is rampant, and i feel like it’s really hard now for anyone to enjoy apex. New season will come and be hype inflated endlessly, it will drop with new bugs, and god only knows how long and what kind of bugs we will face this time and how long the dry period of the new season will stay. it just really frustrating overall and it almost feel like the devs are burnt out from dealing with the game and want to put it to rest slowly.
5:38 This is not a bug, she got hacked by the one and only hacker. Autism.