【視聴数 27256】
【チャンネル名 JMeyels】
【タグ apex,apex legends,apex news,apex update,apex giveaway,apex heirloom,apex free coins,free apex coins,multiplayer shooter,battle royale,apex battle royale,jmeyels,gamingmerchant,apex hacks,apex aimbot,apex wallhacks,free apex heirloom,apex legends news,apex legends update,apex update news,algs,apex algs,apex dead,apex bugs,apex patch,apex patch notes,apex legends patch,apex new patch notes,apex patch update,apex season 14,apex console fix】
only reason its at this stage is kuz all of the respawn folks left, so many have left it hurt the game entirely
I watch your vids just hoping its fixed. Havent played more than 1hr this season. I miss enjoying apex!!!
I’m sick of not having cross progression
I love your content for keeping me updated about apex because I’m on vacation and don’t have my Xbox so I can play apex so tank you and I understand your pain about the game
JMeyels, this happened to me the other night! I didn’t know what was going on but your clip from the chick that was moved from Storm Pointe to the Firing Range… I think I saw that happen! I was trying to tell a friend (that doesn’t play Apex) about Seer, and how some of his kit is completely brain dead with no counter play (his Heart Seeker passive). I selected Seer and went to the Firing Range.
When I got there, I was in the Firing Range with another d00d (Octane). I didn’t know the person. Don’t think I have ever played with them, and they certainly aren’t on my friends list. Nor did I have anyone in the Menu lobby before going into the firing range.
I probably somehow dragged that Octane out of a game into the firing range. He left almost immediately, after briefly looking around a few steps from where he spawned in at.
Thanks for the update man! Honestly this is my favorite news channel and it keeps me updated on whats going on. Really appreciate what you do thanks!
I’m so fed up with Season 13 that I ended up going back to Fortnite. I’m sick of this trash game.
– Valkyrie as a Legend
– Storm Point
– Still no permanent modes besides Arenas
– Still no Solos
– Laggy Servers
– Garbage Matchmaking
– Balancing In Favor of Pros
– Ranked Sucks
It’s just not worth it anymore. See you in Season 14. Hopefully Respawn will have some brains next season.
looks like that girl was playing with AG420, so im sure he did something
matchmaking is my problem sumtimes u wish u wanna quit this game fr lol
It’s so frustrating with apex right now. Like I can’t play the game in general because of so many issues. Might as well quit in general and just play warzone
Speaking of bugs seers ult moves when u use horizons ult me and my buddy found this out by accident In firing range
About time someone said it and stopped skipping over it trying to ignore it.
This has been going on a lot longer than 2 months.
As negative as it sounds I don’t see it ever being what it once was 🥲
There’s always a new and better game on the horizon. It may not be warzone2 but it also could be. Apex needs to stop sleeping before the only ones playing are pros and loyal causals.
Love the new anime stuff, but I’m not buying anything from this game anymore lol, I’m not going to keep giving them money to do nothing
Dude you say the same thing in every season
Bugs come from the code, the code is done by Respawn, they just lazy to fix their shit they probably want more money from EA.
Yes, the servers are dog shit but otherwise that is EA fault, ALGS organisation was shit imagine having 2m on the line and cant play.
You make an incredible point, I want the skins but I can barley log on and play without some various bug making the game just less enjoyable. It’s the fact that I look at 20$ and say should I go and have a nice breakfast at the diner or buy a singular fucking skin in a video game, They’re so overpriced and the game is unplayable
The thing that passes me off is how much fun and cool shit is on the mobile game but we barely have anything to do on pc/console…
Respawn spends 90% of their time making new skins and fixing bugs… we just get rehashed ltm’s once in a blue moon and a new map once a year… it’s sad really.
We need permanent tdm and control at least…
I’ve started the Apex strike. And have gone to overwatch1 until 2 comes out in October.
Bro stop trying to save yourself by repeating how much u love the game. We get it. And we understand What u mean, u are just saying facts, nothing wrong with that