【視聴数 1662435】
【チャンネル名 The Game Theorists】
【タグ stray,stray game,cat game,cat,cats,zurks,stray zurks,stray momo,artificial intelligence,stray ending,stray ending explained,stray explained,stray theory,stray gameplay,stray full game,stray all secrets,game theory,game theorists,matpat,game theory stray,stray trailer,stray walkthrough,stray lore,stray lore explained,stray ps5】
You know what, I don’t care if this cat has killed the entire human-robot race, it’s cute
how does one villianize a cat……
I prefer the Roblox Warrior Cats role playing games instead, because it’s a lot simpler.
The robot surrounded by the zurk could also be proof that the UV-Resistant Eyeballs can’t eat anymore, and thus the robot is still alive. That when they evolved UV-Resistance, they lost their ability to eat, wich makes sense since they don’t have a mouth, they’re just eyeballs.
Mat’s theories and findings are so amazing that sometimes I wonder if he is a human or a robot
Mat pats cat looks like my cousins cat jeffy
The robot surrounded by the zurk could also be proof that the UV-Resistant Eyeballs can’t eat anymore, and thus the robot is still alive. That when they evolved UV-Resistance, they lost their ability to eat, wich makes sense since they don’t have a mouth, they’re just eyeballs.
The theory of humans transferring their minds to the robots can also be confirmed by the fact that in the control room at the end of the game the robots there are still just emotionless robots even after so long.
I fell in love with this game when I watched Evan and Katelyn’s play through. As much as I wanted MatPat to do a theory on Stray, I had a feeling it would be dark…I mean is anyone really surprised by this? lol It’s a very thought provoking game that leaves itself open to a lot of interpretations…and it has a CAT with an adorable little DRONE! The ending was interesting. I personally think the computers flickering on is B12. There’s so many unanswered questions, and I really hope there will be a sequel.
Also, there’s a lot of interesting comments here. It would be interesting if someone could condense them down into a more readable (less repetition) format.
I have a cat that was a stray. He is the nicest cat you would ever meet if you met him.
The idea that the robots are actually human has a lot of validity like the fact that there is a father and son robot and the cleaning robots on the top level don’t have personality though they are probably the same age as the rest of the robots if not older because they actually have jobs
Great video Matthew, very nice
You should do a soul knight theory
Bruh, Zurks are really stupid; they are basically hl head crabs; How can they be this intelligent? You’re just twisting it too hard
You know what no matter this game is wholesome and cute leave it alone
Wouldn’t exposing the companions to the sun and the elements doom them anyway? They can rust after all
Bad kitty causes doomsday
In the sewers, right after player leaves Momo behind the broken blast door, there is a corridor covered in flesh with a small door, leading to a clean, brightly illuminated room. If you enter the door and look up, you can see a daylight lamp above the door shining down, and the dark ceiling above the lamp, covered in flesh, so flesh actually grows only in darkness or in yellow/red light, like on the rooftops, and if even a single cold spectrum lamp can stop it’s spreading, then uv light from the sun will definitely kill it, or at least keep it deep in the sewers, far away from any exits
I was watching a broken game play of poppy playtime chapter 2 and for one frame where it cuts off from 19 there’s a 10 so its the year 1910