【視聴数 1662435】
【チャンネル名 The Game Theorists】
【タグ stray,stray game,cat game,cat,cats,zurks,stray zurks,stray momo,artificial intelligence,stray ending,stray ending explained,stray explained,stray theory,stray gameplay,stray full game,stray all secrets,game theory,game theorists,matpat,game theory stray,stray trailer,stray walkthrough,stray lore,stray lore explained,stray ps5】
Respect to matpat and his editor team for getting to #1 trending for gaming!!
Hey Matpat, I just found something big for the Andy Apple Farm lore
Apparently there exists a “Christmas Special” version of the game. The Christmas special shows way more lore drops like for example, a mini game involving baking cookies in an oven for Margaret (which we know to be Kamryn) and then being asked to take them out of the oven as the screen starts bugging and we’re met with a picture of Kamryn. I think we have the cause of the house fire that killed Kamryn.
In minecraft in creative you can make a end portal anywhere yet in survival you cannot even get the blocks any theories?
The idea that the robots are actually human has a lot of validity like the fact that there is a father and son robot and the cleaning robots on the top level don’t have personality though they are probably the same age as the rest of the robots if not older because they actually have jobs
Just another episode of Matpat hating on stuff and must make it miserable
As mentioned, different type of bacteria have different behavior. The eyes and the wall might not need metal for sustain themselfs, they seem more “mold like”; hanging there, sipping humidity and probably estrapolate stuff from the concrete or elsewhere with some sort of root.
Let’s recall, unless magically these are ascended to higher being their thought process will still remain quite basic, but also each creature who evolve will develope new needs and one of em dosen’t seem to be eating metal
I now hate the editor
Thanks for the purrs at the end, I really needed that..
I knew it! There was no way this game was just a cute little game!
I knew something was going on, but i had no idea what! Great job Mat!
Is that the talking cat from rick and morty?
I don’t think the cat doomed society by unlocking the security doors, cause the world was already doomed. Simple – when we dropped into the abyss, we had to make our way to the city. We didn’t land inside, we walked in through a side door. And as we can see at the beginning – Zurks were already outside the gate (the location we’ve started).
Stray is such a wholesome game I love it
Bro we need movie with this gameplay.
And the 2nd one from theories
Imagine 😀👌🏻💙
soooooooooooo where is the part where cat doom humanity?
this reached #1 on gaming💀
Before I even watch- if that cat decided it wanted to eradicate us, that’s our bad. skill issue.
Matpat, I don’t know if your aware but lankybox stole your thumbnail from your Amanda the Adventure theory. Love your videos by the way!
What the heck Matt You just spoiled it for me im in mid town
It would be kinda funny if it turns out that some humans transferred themselves into the cats instead of the robots.