【視聴数 1662435】
【チャンネル名 The Game Theorists】
【タグ stray,stray game,cat game,cat,cats,zurks,stray zurks,stray momo,artificial intelligence,stray ending,stray ending explained,stray explained,stray theory,stray gameplay,stray full game,stray all secrets,game theory,game theorists,matpat,game theory stray,stray trailer,stray walkthrough,stray lore,stray lore explained,stray ps5】
Yo, you better hop on that Poppy Playtime Ch. 3 teaser trailer Matpat
Only issue with the theory; the Zurk eye-mind can’t actually harm anything, they can only control smaller Zurks. If we assume Zurks have to evolve to achieve their “eye” form, eyes won’t appear on the surface because they need to be able to grow in prolonged dark to grow into eyes.
HEY. Cooking companions released its dlc and it confirmed your theory!
I would love if you did some Terraria theories, it does have lore but most of it comes for boss names and drops.
Hey matpat I know you probably won’t read this because I’m writing this a day after the episode came out. But I I have a theory I would like to share. I think b12 is someone named neco and is the creator of the underground city. I also believe the zurks are the bacteria that wiped out the humans. That’s why the robots are so scared of them because deep down they know that the zurks killed them. I also think there was a hierarchy in the underground city. I believe that Neco was in Charge so he was on top but his family were lower class so when the plague came the higher ups were more protected. So when he saw his family being devoured he betrayed the other higher ups and left them. Then he knew that the higher ups were after him. He put his mind in the software so that the information could be carried on. Side note do think the zurks were created to help get rid of the garbage but then turned against them.
First of all: I’m sorry for judging you before I watched this. I went into this video thinking it was going to be like the Hollow Knight video, I was totally expecting to disagree with it. When you said that the screens flashing didn’t mean it was B-12, I was ready to argue that we saw monitors flash in the beginning when B-12 opened the door for us, and those monitors were identical to the ones in the end. But then you showed the robot connected to the hive, and those same monitors were connected to it…. I hate to admit it, but I really like this take on the game, and I think it would be a much more interesting premise for the sequel than the “B-12 is alive” one would
That entire sewer chapter was a giant “nope” moment. One look at those eyes, and I IMMEDIATELY wanted nothing more to go back to the Slums.
Mattpat is the type of person that says is anyone gonna make a theory of that and not wait for an answer
I would like to play this game.
Cute fuzzy cats are World destroyers? Rude! But then again, I did ask for a Stray theory; so I can’t complain.
wow this theory blew my mind but the best theories are about petscop after 3 years still waiting for the one that will end everything plus the are 3 new videos
The one thing you left out of this theory is motive. What possible reason could these things have to even want to go the surface? What possible reason could these things have to want to take over the robots instead of eating them? As far as i can tell, they’ve been eating off of the city for 7 million years and haven’t even put a dent in it. They clearly have everything they need to survive right where they are.
dude chill out u r so over think
Even the man theorized on a survivor cat game but it make sense
that would be B12 and rude
that white flickering when the game is almost ended that’s B12
Wonder what seri pixels thoughts on this 🤔
I hope when a sequel or DLC comes out this is all disproven.