【視聴数 1662435】
【チャンネル名 The Game Theorists】
【タグ stray,stray game,cat game,cat,cats,zurks,stray zurks,stray momo,artificial intelligence,stray ending,stray ending explained,stray explained,stray theory,stray gameplay,stray full game,stray all secrets,game theory,game theorists,matpat,game theory stray,stray trailer,stray walkthrough,stray lore,stray lore explained,stray ps5】
is it just me or do the zurk look like headcrabs?
Why is no one talking abt how Purrfect how he says “Purrfect”
id argue that you would possibly need some evidence or proof that bacteria can understand beyond instinct impulses to WANT or KNOW that the energy pulsing through a machine is something they would even consider using..
but that being said, youd also have to explain why the cat is and does what it is and does.. cats dont behave like how this cat does in the game.. its as if the cat has human sentience mixed with cat impulses and instincts..
id also question that any machine, building or constructed manipulated anything, could last 7 million years.. let alone with minimal maintenance.. and with a metal eating bacteria thriving in its underbelly.. that whole structure wouldnt be perfectly sealed “forever” for long..
id say a few holes in this one guys.. but certainly interesting nonetheless 😀
you need a shot B12
the cat didn’t kill humans the pandemic that was said in the game killed humans
Poppy playtime chapter three trailer is out now on mob games!
My Game lord a have a new game but I’m right now working too found the theory in the game normally the games called rainbow friends but it’s in roblox the game where a person Made out of blocks so yeah I got a game but it doesn’t have a lot of lore in it 😉
Day 2 of asking game theory to do a theory on https://youtube.com/channel/UCgKkTua_YEdQml46d0PRxRg
I’m actually wondering now if cats would’ve evolved any over the course of 7 million years?
Cats are not evil
Wait can you do a video on the survey in Roblox I don’t know if it’s enough material but it has a lot of mysteries in it
The made a mistake
Love the vidddd
When the video game The grip of madness comes out you should do a game theory on it, I got to play a match at a convention and it seems interesting
I was expecting matt to do this but wasn’t expecting this early.
So your saying the devs took the flood hive mind plan from halo and made the zurk hive mind, interesting.
Who Else Thinks He Should Make a Channel About Anime Theory
matpat you’re pretty much wrong of Gregory being a robot because you said he did not eat or drink honestly that was a bad option because literally one no cutscenes or any gameplay showed us that we needed to eat or drink when Grimlock Freddy said broken he was actually supposed to say blood but they replaced it