【視聴数 36332】
【チャンネル名 Francis Cade】
【タグ cycling,bike,cyclist,fixie,london,race,bicycle,road,vlog,francis,cade】
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【視聴数 36332】
【チャンネル名 Francis Cade】
【タグ cycling,bike,cyclist,fixie,london,race,bicycle,road,vlog,francis,cade】
Iam also disabled handcycling
creation of adam -pure class – exhausted but can reference classical Italian art
The run from Llano to Brady had the duo through Pontotoc Texas.Ponotoc is birthplace of General Ira Eaker who ran the 8th Air Force that flew out of the U.K. In WW2.
The two crossed briefly through the corner of San Saba county whose celebrity citizen is Tommy Lee Jones.
Turning west from Brady, they rode through Eden, birthplace of General Earl Rudder. Rudder led the Ranger assault on Point du Hoc during the Normandy invasion.
San Angelo’s Fort Concho was the Calvary HQ during the Texas Comanche Wars.
Justin just thinks he is in the middle of nowhere, wait till he’s in deep West Texas. Cheers