【視聴数 1330613】
【チャンネル名 hololive ホロライブ – VTuber Group】
【タグ hololive,ホロライブ,VTuber,バーチャルYouTuber,VR,白上フブキ,湊あくあ,赤井はあと,ときのそら,ロボ子さん,大神ミオ,夜空メル,大空スバル,夏色まつり,さくらみこ,百鬼あやめ,紫咲シオン,アキ・ローゼンタール,戌神ころね,猫又おかゆ,ホロアニメ,3D,AZKi,星街すいせい,兎田ぺこら,潤羽るしあ,不知火フレア,白銀ノエル,宝鐘マリン,天音かなた,姫森ルーナ,角巻わため,常闇トワ,癒月ちょこ,雪花ラミィ,桃鈴ねね,獅白ぼたん,尾丸ポルカ,hololive ERROR】
It’s only a theory of mine, but would it make sense that the pov that we saw in this video would actually be A-chan? The hands we saw had longer nails which could imply that the pov that we saw in this video is a female. The fact that we saw this person apparently researching at the start of this video and for the fact that Sora wanted to be friends specifically with the pov-person made me think that this is the irl A-chan
Directed by Haachama…
We’ve got Hololive anime and now Hololive horror
Bojone eror
no! no friend! wife!
The thumbnail kinda looks like Ina when u downgrade the quality for some reason..
that so fun
The one, true idol.
-Th1s- -C0omm3nt- -€R0Or-
That is hella creepy.
ときのそらちゃんの歩き方が、ぎこちないと感じるのはσ(^_^;)だけでしょうか?・・・考えすぎか( ̄~ ̄;)
Ok,I click “No” just want to know what will happ-
It creeps me out, LOL
Why am i getting serious ddlc vibes from this?